Blog 94
WE GOT INDIA VISAS!!!! After 3 country attempts we finally sorted our India visas. That £120 each better be worth it!
Practicalities a plenty again in Colombo, but considering the heat I think sight seeing was a bit ambitious. Parcel number 8 posted home; hunt for the Indian Lonely Planet continued; Barefoot take two shopping complete; and a Indian restaurant meal and cocktails to celebrate the end of Sri Lanka and the start of the next chapter.
Sri lankanisms we'll miss (or not!):
• Dodging men's red spit (betel leaf)
• When you're waiting to cross a busy road and tuk tuks slow down and stop in front of you, creating worse traffic!
• The excited stare of children when they see you
• 14p samosas when you're feeling peckish
• Very jolty train rides
• Cold curry with cold rice three times a day
• 1/2 price cocktails on departure from Sri Lanka (£1.70)
• Doing clothes washing in the evening and it being dry by breakfast
• Intercity buses cost 8p and 3hr bus rides cost £1
• The relief of getting a window seat meaning you get the breeze and you don't get the 'standees' bums' in your faces
• Blaring bus music
• Beer detox!
Love Jo x
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