Ol n' Ben around the world
After visiting Pyramiden, we go back to the loading docks and have a quick "lunch".
Sacha comes to say we should be careful since we are close to a fuel line.
We finally board our kayaks and leave Pyramiden. The wind is still blowing strongly. It's been 10 days since the wind did not stop blowing... Not very reassuring for our trip to Bruce Byen on the other side of the bay.
We decide to move a bit north in order to find a place to sleep and spend the "night".
When leaving the loading docks, we paddle in small tunnels and pass close to a large russian ship. The crew says hello and seems quite surprised to see us !
We paddle for about 2 kilometers and find rapidly a place to settle the camp.
The wind still blows strongly. Will we be able to make it to Bruce Byen the next day ?? We are so close to our final goal, Nordenskjolbreen, this huge glacier facing us which seems so close...
We have dinner very quickly in the tent. Temperatures are expected to be low tonight (below 0°C). We set a fire before going to sleep, without any night shift scheduled this time for us ;-)
FIGURES OF THE DAY : 9,4km of kayak in 2h34 and a lot of wind ;-)
Sacha comes to say we should be careful since we are close to a fuel line.
We finally board our kayaks and leave Pyramiden. The wind is still blowing strongly. It's been 10 days since the wind did not stop blowing... Not very reassuring for our trip to Bruce Byen on the other side of the bay.
We decide to move a bit north in order to find a place to sleep and spend the "night".
When leaving the loading docks, we paddle in small tunnels and pass close to a large russian ship. The crew says hello and seems quite surprised to see us !
We paddle for about 2 kilometers and find rapidly a place to settle the camp.
The wind still blows strongly. Will we be able to make it to Bruce Byen the next day ?? We are so close to our final goal, Nordenskjolbreen, this huge glacier facing us which seems so close...
We have dinner very quickly in the tent. Temperatures are expected to be low tonight (below 0°C). We set a fire before going to sleep, without any night shift scheduled this time for us ;-)
FIGURES OF THE DAY : 9,4km of kayak in 2h34 and a lot of wind ;-)
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