Ol n' Ben around the world
- blog entries
Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Wake up around 11 am. We have breakfast together and have a second shower in less than 24 hours !! :-) O. and I decide to go shopping rapidly in the sport shop where we find nice fleece jackets. Then everybody goes to the basecamp. We have to clean our outfit : safety jackets, dry suits... We do this quickly and efficiently. Then we go to the museum of Svalbard. We find there an interesting guide of the Isfjord bay, and the map we were looking for, the map B2 of...
Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Waking up at 2:20 is quite difficult. But the sun is back and my shift is very calm in spite of the polar bear threat ;-) I go back to bed at 3:30 and waking up at 6 is (very) difficult again ! Though we have to be quick in order to be ready when the boat picks us up. Benoit tells us we are 3 hours late compared to "normal time" : it is actually 9 already ! First we clean the tent and pack all our stuff. We then have breakfast, and prepare ...
Nordeskjoldbreen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Wake up at 10. The sun is shining (again !), the sky is clear, and most of all, no more wind ! F. who had her night shift last night, tells us the wind dropped around 2:30 am. But the "night" was cold, as water in a pond nearby started to freeze ! We have breakfast and pack our stuff. The ocean seems so calm compared to the last two days ! We board the kayaks. Crossing the bay is only 4 km here....
Pyramiden, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
After visiting Pyramiden, we go back to the loading docks and have a quick "lunch". Sacha comes to say we should be careful since we are close to a fuel line. We finally board our kayaks and leave Pyramiden. The wind is still blowing strongly. It's been 10 days since the wind did not stop blowing... Not very reassuring for our trip to Bruce Byen on the other side of the bay. We decide to move a bit north in order to find a pla...