I got up this morning and said bye to everyone. I took my time though...I only left Valparaiso at 12pm back to Santiago. When I got back to Santiago, I went to the same hostel as I was before. It was a great hostel and since no one responded to my couchsurfing request, I decided to stay there.
It was Friday, and I needed to find a place to cut my hair. It was getting long, and I wanted to look more groomed for the weekend when I would be going out. I went off to find a hairdresser and found many, but all were too expensive (6000 pesos, 11$). I know that does not sound like a lot, but when you are travelling, it is a completely different scenario...
After walking around, I was greeted by a hairdresser, and when I told him that I was looking for a place that offered a haircut for 3000 pesos, he agreed to do that for me for that price. I was really happy! I walked in, and we started talking about my travels so far and what I do in Canada (nothing!). He told me how he had a cousin that has been living in Saint-Sauveur, Quebec for 6 years now.
His cousin came, a little while later, and started speaking to me in French (what are the odds that out of all the hair salons that I went to, I would pick the one that has links to Quebec!) I thanked him for the haircut (he cut off a lot) and went back to the hostel.
My hostel was organizing a BBQ for 4000 pesos so I decided to have supper there. I met this English guy named Stewart that had travelled to Brazil and was now in Chile with not enough money to get back home, so he was trying to look for a job in Chile, maybe teaching English. I also met this other girl from London that had been travelling for not that long, but was going to Buenos Aires in a week for a month. Her name was Zahra and she was half Indian and half English. At the BBQ, there was also this girl Camille, from Bordeaux, France, that was travelling with her father for a bit, then she was going to be travelling alone.
I had a lot of fun conversing with everyone that night. The food was delicious (especially the meat!). I guess this was a preview for Argentina. We had free wine, and all the food you can imagine! I was planning on going out that night, but I thought that if I had to get up tomorrow really early (at 7:30am) to referee I was better off going to bed, especially since my international referee reputation was on the line (if I had one!). I was really excited for tomorrow, I was going to referee for the first time in another country, and it was going to be in a South American country!
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