Today, Eugenia was meeting me at my hostel. I kind of waited for a long time (I guess she was on Bolivia time...). We came around 11am, and we were going to go to the best salteña place in Cochabamba (according to my travel book). I had two salteñas because they were so good!
Afterwards, we went for ice cream at Dumbos. We talked about our families a lot (and their various problems). Jesli came and met up with us a bit to say goodbye and to give me a gift to give to Eric. Afterwards, we walked to the botanical gardens and stayed there most of the afternoon. It was sad because I knew that today was going to be the last day that I saw Eugenia. We had spent so much time together and had so many great conversations. She had been amazing, spending most of her free time to show me around.
My bus was at 8:30pm to Sucre and her bus was at 11pm back to LaPaz. She came with me to the bus terminal, and we had a quick supper before I left. I am really going to miss Cochabamba. Along with Cusco, it was one of the very few cities that I felt that I could live here. Probably because of the wonderful experiences with such great people here...
After a long goodbye with Eugenia, I left for Sucre, my journey had to continue if I wanted to see everything I wanted to see in South America.
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