This is the second blog to try and describe my week. This i will explain when we did in the evenings when we wernt working.
Monday night was very chilled out jst relaxing in the hamock and infront of the log fire, apart from when they tested my cooking skills, making a kind of pasta bolognes, the only complaint... not enough! that was to become the story of all our meals here! as food is so limited!
Tuesday night, breathtaking is such a huge understatement! Night Canoeing was on the offer, i of course took it up! Peacfully gliding down a man-made resevoire with a light mist just above the water looked like something from a fairy tail. The guide in the canoe infront then turns his light on and within seconds we see a Barn Owl, not the most common of creatures in the rainforest! It doesnt take long before we see a range of different type possums again some common some very rare ones. A little further down the resevoir and there are bandicotes and padimelons (small kangaroes) on the waters edge. On the way back alot of the same, except he took us past an old rotten tree, which in the middle has been hollowed away and is now home to a whole collony of bats!
Wednesday night, we take a little trip to a giant fig tree... doesnt sound like much but this thing is HUGE! it is a combination of 3 fig trees and at best fig trees are not tiny little things! From there we carried on to an old Volcanoe which was hollow for about 60m before there is water which goes down they have measureed to 80m but know it continues far further down under! The walk then leads around to some very nice waterfalls which of course have been captured in a variety of photos!
Thursday night we ventured for a little... or laot of 4WD in our van which was quite exciting with 8 of us crammed in the back with nothing more than a little lap belt! The trip took us up and through some old mining villages and ruines of century old mining villages. Our destination Halls Falls. a completly different set of waterfalls, this one with a big sort of plung pool after 1 fall and before the next! I had not been told there was opportunity of swiming, whoever sum1 else had taken their and chickened out! infact... i was the only 1 to brave the water! Yes the water was somewhere between bracing and FREEZING, but felt soo good jumping off a rock into this waterfalls plung pool! Of course up there on the rock every1 looked like such tourists, or if elt famous with 8 cameras pointed on me as i jumped! It was so gd i went up higher and did it again! hehe.
I felt amazing afterwards! just what id needed after a weeks long hard work in the crap, dust and heat! Everyone thought i was mad... but hey, im English and iv been in the english sea! which every1 here seems to consider crazy! hehe
so as you can see a few amazing experiences!
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