'Nature Saturdays' are on offer for us as a treat and repayment for all our hardwork! This saturday had a nature walk to a national park and waterfall, so of course having nothing better to do i signed up for it! However this nature walk was slightly missleading! They said it would be a ncie rest after hard weeks work and we could wear shorts and t-shirts for a change, excelent we were all thinking!
However there idea fo a nature walk was considered y all of us as more like a hardcore trek, up some of the mountains of the rainforest! Absolutely beautiful scenary and really nice to look around, when you got the chance! The positives i took out of it was that it was good fitness training ready for the rugby season! Thats really what it was, the guide wasnt too good, he was a good walker and didnt really consider some of the less fit people in the group or just tired people from a weeks very physical work.
However it was pretty nice walk and did get to see some of of the rainforest in its natural state, so didnt have to see any huge weeds trying to take over or anything which was a nice change! The waterfall at the end, definatly wasnt the nicest waterfall i have seen out here, but hey, every waterfall which falls maybe 30m+ is never ugly! And as i say the scenary was amazing!
The only thing now is its left me very tired for this evening!
On the animals side, we saw some wallabies and loads fo birds again! The guide pointed to a big black snake which we only really gota glimps of as it slithered away. It was very big! and he said very dangerous! would definatly kill us! however the snakes here havnt seemed to noticed that they have very little predatours! and without a gun they could have their way with any human! But i wasnt complaining that this one was scared off!
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