Day 15 (ish!) of travelling... and all is great still! Just had the most perfect week in Byron Bay, probably the most chilled out place I have ever been to. Some great live music pubs, including the rails and the beach hotel.We have now moved up into Queensland where the bus driver has told us to quote of the state is "sunny one day, perfect the next!". I apologise Kathryn, I know you aren't the greatest fan!
When we joined the bus in Sydney there were six of us together, soon became eight as we had two more single travellers in our dorm in Byron. The hostel rented out bikes and surfboards for free, which we took great advantage of! Going for a run along the beach each day too (I've got to work on the tan - don't you know!). In surfers paradise now, just like a big city. One crazy fact - the major type person wanted to get rid of all the parking meters, but the Government overruled him. He now employs people to go around town day in day out filling up peoples meters when they get low (what a legend!) Boo to the Government!
Jungle speed is an absolute hit - photo proof! There were ten around one table playing it without me at one point. It did get slightly aggressive too. Mum you'll be glad to hear that I've found out the answer to washing... Febreeze! Two sprays and I'm clean again. Well, smell it. When the t-shirts are dirty I do wash them though, have no fear. (But febreeze is a lifesaver!)
Oz is incredible - drive through bottle shops (to pick up beers!), drive through cash points, drive through everythings! We did have to put our clocks back to come into Queensland though, very confusing as we're on the same coastline! (bizarre place). I believe it changes again further up the coast! There are also a lot of bring your own bottle places, so we had a few beers playing bowling yesterday. Met up with Ryan who lives in surfers paradise, hopefully when I get up to Cairns at end of November, I'll fly down to Brisbane, back through surfers and Byron, to kill some time before Christmas, and spend some more time with Ryan and incredible Byron!
Sticking with Hannah and Fran till we do Frazer island on sat, then going to meet some family in Maryborough (hopefully!) before waiting for Robb and Ryan and heading up the rest of the coast with them. Poifect! Hitting Cairns around Nov 21st.
Sorry for another boring written blog, having great trouble finding enough time to upload a video. Big boo. Brisbane tonight, hitting there 10am UK time on your Tuesday. Another big city, then a day in Noosa and checking out Irwin's Zoo!
The twins are still in the X-factor?! What a joke. Please sort it out!
Surfing love.
The tanned brit x
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