Now for week four on Gili Trawangan, Indonesia. Sunday evening was spent on the beach lying on the sand, watching the sun set, star gazing and watching the waves with 6 others from the dive centre. It was ultra relaxing and blissful to get away from the buzz of the dive centre.
On the Divemaster front, both of us completed our final Divemaster exam, and both of us passed with flying colours! As for the practical side of our course, we both have started teaching students under the watchful eyes of our instructors. Our mapping project was completed too, It was a very ambitious project but we managed to map, measure and do a real life model (scaled down obviously) of a wreck.
Both of us have also completed our skills circuit which is showing that we can demonstrate 24 different underwater skills to students (and being marked). Thankfully both of us are getting lots of 5's (top marks!)
To take a break from diving, Helen went horse riding with Sarah (manager of the dive centre) and Sofie (one of the instructors). It was amazing and Helen really enjoyed it as we all went for a splash in the water with our horses and had a long canter at the end of the ride. It was just nice to sit on a horse for 2 hours taking in the island, the island looks very different from a horse back view!!
One night we attended the dive centres quiz night and we did better than the last time, as even though there were 5 of us in our team. Both Nick and Helen were coming up with all of the answers.... and some of the questions were music related!!!!!! This was also the night we said farewell to Sofie, one of the instructors from Denmark...We will miss Sofie :(
Both of us were left traumatised after watching two other DM trainee's complete their stress test. The stress test is basically a test where you go into the pool kitted up and you have to exchange equipment using one regulator and deal with a zillion problems at the same time... the instructors at Trawangan Dive like to take a tank in and open it underwater creating a volcanic effect and take a reel in and wrap it around you while buddy breathing.... so... its fair to say we are looking forwards to ours!!!!!!!!(!)
We had yet another legendary Wednesday night at the Irish after a yummy meal at the Beach House with 25 of us celebrating Toms birthday and watching Tom and Phari complete their snorkel test....both of them dressed up as cowboys from Brokeback Mountain as they have established somewhat kind of a bromance. This has made Helen nervy and relunctant to turn up for her own snorkel test in 2 weeks time..... It doesnt help when one of our instructors keeps saying she can visualise us in our costumes..... argh!
No of Cockroaches killed: 2
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