I didn't think it was possible to go from one extreme to the other in less than 24 hours. We arrived in Goa (eventually after another delayed flight - Indian Time again!) and instantly noticed the difference. The taxi had seatbelts! The pace is so laid back here. The drive to the accommodation was so peaceful. There was hardly any sound at all - such a difference. Even when they sound their horn, it's more like a little polite beep, rather than the angry aggressive driving of the north. There are palm trees everywhere and everyone seems friendly. The accommodation is out of this world compared to where we'd been. It's so clean and is a chalet type room with lots of foreign tourists about!!! There's a little outdoor restaurant and even a pool. We decided after Jaipur that we'd increase our budget a little bit so we went up from 2 pound fifty each a night to about 6 quid each a night - but we didn't expect it to be this good. It's a tourist resort so it's got cafes and bars and restaurants - a bit like any holiday is Spain really. Andi has never enjoyed beach holidays - but at the minute he is loving it! ha ha! I've never seen him so glad to be able to switch off and lie about doing nothing. It nice to not have to be constantly on guard and thinking all the time. so we're kicking back and staying here for a week before flying to Kochin on Monday. We're going to have a honeymoon this week! Hopefully, and thankfully the worst bit of travelling is over for us now - I just don't think we're cut out for budget backpacking in Asia! Right, I'm off to the beach to get another beer and read a book!!!! This is the life!
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