So Everyone......... We have finally made it back to the UK, safe and sound. It has taken us over 7 months, with a hell of a lot of experiences, but we've now made it the whole way around the planet. Hard to believe isn't it?!?!? Although we'd obviously like to be still travelling the world and seeing all those places we never managed to get to, in some way it is great to be 'home'.
So to finish the trip off we took a trip into London, and you'd think that while travelling places like LA and New York, we'd see lots of famous people - but no, it took us to go the whole way around the world to see a UK TV celeb in the London Tube! (i.e. James Dreyfus from Gimme Gimme Gimme and The Thin Blue Line). Unbelievable! So after we recovered from our star studded tube ride, we went and had a look at the oversized telescope (ie. web cam) that is at the Tower Bridge so we could see the other end that we looked at while in Brooklyn, New York. Other than that we didn't really do many tourists things in London, although we did consider going on the tour bus! But to be fair, we did do the most British thing, and just went straight to the pub! A well deserved pint I think.
So to round everything up, here are our highlights and lowlights of our Round The World Adventure.
Having to unpack and repack every few days
Not being able to relax and kickback when sharing with 10 other people
Nikki getting coral stuck in her foot (some still there!)
Andi having emergency root canal work
Spending too much money
Always having to look for accomodation
Nikki being treated for suspected malaria
The fiasco of the check in at San Francisco airport
Nikki nearly slicing a toe off with a machette
Having to come home
Smurf - the best van in the world!
Spending time together
Seeing the Taj Mahal
Swimming with dusky dolphins, seeing SeaLions fight, seeing penguins, turtle laying eggs, rare birds, seeing a turtle while snorkelling in the Great Barrier you get the picture....all wildlife really!!!
The joy of arriving in Singapore airport
Andi's birthday on a boat in the Whitsunday Islands
England v NZ at Napier - the hottest and most drunken day of the trip
Skydiving (all adventures really - none where bad!)
Seeing family in Canada
Appreciating how little we need material things
Having so much freedom
Experiencing different cultures
Having to come home
...... and a whole lot more!
Finally we'd just like to say a HUGE Thank You to everyone who bought us a wedding gift, because you really did make it possible for us to have the most amazing honeymoon and an adventure of a thank you. Also, thanks to those who regularly logged in and checked up on what we were doing. It was great to be able to share our experience with you all and keep in touch.
So for the last time, this is Mr and Mrs Jarvis signing off. Over and out!
P.S. No doubt we'll see you all soon for a pint and we'll bore you to death with stories and photos. Well, you didn't think you'd get away that easily, did you?
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