Hello avid readers!!!
So its pretty much all the same going on here. Its work work work especially now the school holidays have just begun. Today was really busy which at least makes the time fly by...not that it hasn't been anyway. 2 weeks i have been here and it feels like a month...the time is just going by so fast and its sad to think the season will probably go by so fast too.
I have been out, not that this will come as news to you!! Ha-ha. There is a small bar over the other side of the Bourke street run....I tell you it's fun trying to walk to the pub through the snow!! It's a small bar run by a fantastic Austrian man...the place is decked out in Austrian fashion and they sell a great German beer, schoffe hoffe. They also do snuff....which I am not really a fan of!! I tried it for the first time the other's a very odd thing to do. We were using menthol snuff so at least I now have clear sinuses!! After the snuff it was time for free schnapps and then he got out his accordion and played some traditional music. His son then got out his guitar and we had a bit of a sing a was great. Such a great place and he makes you feel so welcome and so as you can imagine I have been back there a few times now!
I haven't been out boarding a lot. My tail bone feels like it's about to pop off and I have landed on my wrist which is a bit sore I am giving it a few days rest. I did not injure my wrist boarding though....there may have been alcohol involved!! Ha-ha but its all good fun. I have bruises all over my legs from boarding and from the chair lift. Me and the chair lift are not the best of friends. Every time I come off the chair lift, I tend to stack to learn though!! The bruises are black and big....not very nice at all...I may even show you some picas.
I am working all split shifts next week which means I should be able to get some boarding in. One of the chefs is going to take me out tomorrow to give me a bit of guidance, i need all the help i can get!!I will probably have my lesson within the next week or so I can use to turning too.
I am having the best time, I love it here. The people, the work, the fun, the laughs, it's just all great. I wake up smiling and have to pinch myself sometimes that this is actually real...I am actually living the dream!!
Thanks for reading, still. I will get some pics on soon....and maybe even a video of me and my boarding skills! Lots of love, as always xxx
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