hi jen & dale, happy new year to you both thanks for the text, your wedding photos look great ,we had a nice christmas and new year we went to canaries (again) for 2 weeks and missed all the bad weather over here,lee sent us photos of snow drifts and we were sunbathing by the pool lol. going to centre parcs in feb on our annual w/e trip with all the family, hope youre all ok over there getting a nice tan, are you working still, when does your restuarant open love E & M XXX
Aunty Kath And Grunkle Brian
Hi Jenni and Dale, Congratulations once again on your marriage - we've loved looking at your wedding photos - you looked beautiful Jenni ( as always) and you make a perfect and very handsome couple....love the shoes Jenni. Looking forward to hearing every detail about the day when your Mam and Dad come up in a couple of weeks time and perhaps seeing some more pix :-} LOL to you both, SAunty Kath and Grunkle Brian xxxx
Eddie & Mo
hi jen, hope you and dale are good, were all fine at this end, are you getting older or more settled in your life we noticed a cup of tea in one of your pics, or was it cammoflage for whiskey. we just got back from the canarys and were lucky with the flights (volcanic ash) lots of people were getting flights cancelled, it was so nice to see you when you came over, hoping to come over in 2011 when our boat comes in. went to lee & elliotts birthday bash last saturday elliott had a football match with is friends then we had a bbq at lees the weather was red hot, well off to b & q now for some plants, hope to hear from you soon, LEAVE THE TEA ALONE.
all our love eddie & mo xxx
Aunty Kath And Grunkle Brian
Another Australian birthday has come around eh ? Many happy returns of the day Jenni. Hope it's another great birthday for you and you get well spoilt ! LOL Aunty Kath and Grunkle Brian
Aunty Kath And Grunkle Brian
Hi Jenny...and Dale.., Hope you've both arrived safely back in Oz and recovered from the loong flights last weekend. Does it all seem like a dream now, your trip over here, or are you still showing folks your photos of London, Paris, Rome and Florence and re-living it all? It was good to be able to spend a few hours with you a fortnight ago. Mmmm, that beef and those pavlovas! Have fun and take care , LOL
A.K. and Grunkle Brian XX
so Dale gets here on 20th January so expect lots of photos and blogs then. we fly back on oz on 20th feb. exciting and very happy times to follow.
please keep reading...and thanks for still reading
i am home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aunty Kath And Grunkle Brian
Hi Jenni,
Just been catching up on your pix and blog - sounds and looks as if you're still having fun. Your Mam and Dad were here on Saturday so we were catching up with their pix too and they had to suffer ours - we went on a two week Baltic cruise last month so there were plenty of pix for them to see though we didn't make them suffer ALL the 1500 we took between us and the friends we went with !! We had a great time and have got quite a taste for cruising. Not long before you come back to Blighty. Looking forward to seeing you.
Take care
LOL AK and Grunkle Brian xx
Eddie & Mo
hi jen, nice to talk to you on the phone, your mum & dad are going to the hotel we stayed in at maspalomas its 4* luxury, everything ok here lots of sunshine at the moment with bits of rain, going camping at w/e with kids to sherwood forest so I expect I will be thrown in the lake again just like last year (not by kids).right have to go pubs open.by the way some goodies are on the way to you, hope you enjoy. be careful on the slopes. lots of love E & M X.
Aunty Kath And Grunkle Brian
Caught up with your news and pics on this site as mentioned in earlier e-mail. Enjoy the snow ! I hope someone will send you some marmite ! LOL Ak & Grunkle Brian xxx
new address time...now that i am up the top of the mountain.
Arlberg hotel
189 Summit Road
po box 40
mt buller
Bryan Turner
Hey Jenny, I heard you made it to the wonderful land of oz! Have you seen the wizard yet? Its a far cry from making crappy tips back in the eagle thats far sure. It looks like your having a ball anyways! I am living in Florida right now and also enjoying the privilages of a wonderful climate. Sylvia told me you had this site going so i thought i would say hello and good on ya girl!!!
have a bonza day??? Bryan.x