Weather: 70, off and on light rain on the road
Location: Fargo to Medor, ND
Lowlights: My salad
#of Swearwords: 1 (not at anyone)
People we met:
Activities: Bismarck State Capital, Medora Musical, Pitchfork Steak Fondue
Hotel: Americinn Medora
Helpful hint: Order Medora Musical tickets ahead of time.
Restaurants: Wood House "World's Best Hamburgers."
Today we have spent the day crossing the prairies of the Mid-West. I as the pilot guiding us across our beautiful countryl...including Amber waves of grain. I hated that song in elementary school music class. All eyes on me. Ugh.
We traveled from Fargo to Bismarck, the state capital, for lunch. About 3 hours. We buzzed by the capital building. They got jipped. The most boooring building. You could pass it and never know that is what it was.
We stopped for lunch at Wood House of the "World's Best Hamburgers." You might not wait for the burgers if you eat the salad but the burgers were yummy. It was a dumpy place. They menus were on the wall of each booth with a phone attached. When you are ready, you pick up the phone. Fun for kids. I wouldn't put my face on it. ewww. Elizabeth ordered.
We traveled from there to Medora, ND where we are staying the night. An old western town founded in 1883. I am sure some ghosts are haunting the streets. I know a little boy haunts the Rough Rider hotel (MICHELLE). We aren't staying there. We are boring and staying at the only newer hotel mainly because the other was full and couldn't accommodate all 5 of us. I don't want to have a little boy tickling my feet in the middle of the night either. Too many ghost shows.
We have reservations for the Medora Cowboy Musical tonight in an outdoor theater. Sounds fun and patriotic.
We have been spotting "Sturgeons" everywhere. You know, the motorcycles on their way to the Sturgis Motorcycle rally of which we are avoiding like the Woodward Dream Cruise.
We also just passed the "World's Largest Metal Sculpture." Somehow I find that hard to believe. Wait, I just looked it up and it in fact is the largest. It is on the Enchanted Highway (I-94 W). Hm. The things we see.
We will enter Theodore Roosevelt National Park to get to Medora. Teddy was the pioneer of conservation and creating the national parks across the country during his presidency because he loved North Dakota (and Medora). The landscape is changing from prairies to hills and now to a rocky landscape. Gooooorgeous!
Just arrived. I will share Medora tomorrow. Amaaaazing!
- comments
Dad Guess you'll watch the next season of "Fargo" when you get back just to see what people do to pass the time there.