Weather: Florida, sunny and 77, Georgia, sunny/partly cloudy70s then some rain, then Atlanta (6 PM) cloudy 70, Tennesee, (1 AM) cloudy, night, 57, Kentucky, cloudy 49 (2 AM)
Hours Driving: 12 hours
Miles: 820
States: Florida, Georgia, Tennesee and Kentucky
Restaurant: Dinner at the Pitsers
Hotel: Courtyard Lexington
Movies: Empire Strikes back
Car issues: Car shakes when braking again. Stability Trac light came on. Now everything is fine.
Goodbye Florida. We packed up and hit the road by 9 AM. I saw a weather system crossing our path. I wanted to beat it. We also know traffic would be bad especially in Tennesee where the road is down to one lane due to a rock slide a month ago. I am the planner and navigator. We managed to stay outside the front of the storm almost to Macon Georgia which was awesome because I thought we'd be driving in rain all the way. We drove a couple hours of light to moderate rain. Once we reached Atlanta, we were on the other side of the system. As we were driving, Elizabeth announced that the driver we were passing looked like the guy on American Idol. I was like, "where? where? Who? Keith Urban or Harry?" She said Harry. Ooo honey slow down. What if it's him? I was searching out of the window desperately. Paul calmly says, "Honey, let me remind you that Elizabeth thinks Matthew McConaughey looks like Abraham Lincoln and you think he'd be driving a 1994 Bronco.You really thinks it's him?" "Oh. Right." Sigh.
So we arrived in Atlanta around 6 at our friend's, the Pitsers, house for dinner. We haven't seen the Pitsers for maybe 10 years when they moved from Michigan. Jason is one of Paul's Frat brothers and both jason and julie were the first to head up the Building Bridges Holiday gifting program. They were at Ben's first birthday and now they are all grown up and so are we. So weird. We had pizza (I didn't, I stopped for sushi) and caught up a bit and hit the road again.
Our plan was to drive as much as we could tonight. We actually had a hotel that I cancelled a couple days ago because we decided to just keep driving.
There have been a large number of cars on the road and every so often traffic would back up for a short periods of time. Nothing major. Until we hit Knoxville. Not sure if it was an accident or construction but it was a huge backup. Last second we veered off the highway and decided maybe we should stop (though my gut said get around this traffic jam). We saw a Courtyard but I was not hopeful. With all the travelers and this issue, there aren't going to be rooms. While I went in to check, Paul got on the phone to Marriott. They lady in the hotel said they were booked solid and there were no rooms anywhere. I said brace yourself because you are about to get swamped. I got back in the car and Paul was working his Marriott Gold Member Magic. Tonight, gold is cheap. Though, they got us a Courtyard in Lexington which is a bit further than we wanted to go but we took it. First, thank goodness we got off the freeway because I found a way around the accident right back onto I 75 where there were NO cars. What ? Second, no cars, late night and buzzed right through the rock slide area. Yes. All we were thinking was what a mess it will be tomorrow. UGH.
We told the kids to lights out, heads down and try to sleep. We aren't getting their until 3 AM. We are so used to driving that we don't mind. We'd prefer not 3 am but that means 5 hours tomorrow. Woo Hoo. I am writing at 1:44 AM and Paul is talking Basketball with his brother in Vegas aboutTumtum, McQuaid a four year player but struggles... You get the point. This is when the time difference is helpful keeping him awake.
So everything happens for a reason. Prayers help. Our trips are blessed for sure. And they are soo much fun. Sad it is ending.
Waking in Lexington. Good Night.
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