50 States Before They Graduate
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Birmingham, Michigan

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Birmingham, Michigan

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Honor, Michigan

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Honor, Michigan

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Munising, Michigan
claudia stratmann I have not stopped laughing! It will be epic :), constipations aside!!!
re: What Have We Done?Aunt Missy Blindside is one of my most favorite movies(could have a bit to do with Tim McGraw being in it)!! When Cody worked the Super Bowl in Nola Michael Oher played for the Ravens. Cody worked the suite level and got to meet Mrs. Touhey.
re: Maxin' and Relaxin'Aunt Missy I'm so glad y'all were behind the rain and only had to stay in that god forsaken town for a few hours!!! Also glad you didn't go to that evil campus there. Onto a better part of Florida!!!!
re: One Night StandRhea Happy travels Houseys! Glad you're seeing some great sites, family and having warm weather! Enjoy and safe travel ??
re: University of Alabama TourAunt Misdy Mitchell, Meridian and Nola. I don't think I can handle much more of this trip. I should have come along!!!
re: Cafe du I Mind a Beignet?Steve Taylor Hi Houseys! Just catching up on your travels! Looks like you've been through some cool places and had some amazing food! Enjoy!
re: Cafe du I Mind a Beignet?Gramps That food looks positively wonderful, especially the beignets. Glad you find NOLA growing on you. It's a great city of many cultures.
re: Cafe du I Mind a Beignet?- last visited

- travel plan
- Michigan
- Italy
- Michigan
- Ontario
- New York
- Vermont
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Connecticut
- Nevada
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Maryland
- Pennsylvania
- Ohio
- Michigan
- Pennsylvania
- Michigan
- Illinois
- Wisconsin
- Minnesota
- North Dakota
- Montana
- Wyoming
- South Dakota
- Iowa
- Indiana
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Colorado
- New Mexico
- Oklahoma
- Arkansas
- Tennessee
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Kentucky
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Louisiana
- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Michigan
Gramps Love it.