Here I sit on the precipice of our third family adventure. Underwear, socks, movies, snacks,
Twas the night before travel and all through house not a creature was helping.
Not even my spouse (just kidding. it rhymes). .
The socks were being laundered with care,
In hopes that I finish the laundry in there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of travel danced in their heads.
And mamma was planning, and dad took a nap.
I booked all the hotels and activities and crap.
When out on the driveway there arose such a clatter,
I ran right outside to see what was the matter.
Away to the van I flew like a flash,
Opened the garage, what made the crash.
I didn't see anything, I still didn't know,
I looked all around. I looked high. I looked low.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
The neighbors were moving and now it was clear.
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I heard someone yell, "Stop! Nick!."
More rapid than eagles he slammed on the brakes,
He knocked over boxes on a pile of rakes.
"To St. Louis! and Kansas! and Denver we'll go!
Colorado Springs! Taos! and Amarillo.
To Oaklahoma City, Little Rock and Memphis Tennessee!
Then Nashville, to Nashville ! The Grand Ole Opry."
- comments
Kara I love love love this poem!! I hope you have a super fun time :-)
Grandpa Happy trails to ya!
Biddy love u. your great at poems
Miss Jen Yay. That poem was amazing!Have so much fun. Drive safe. Love you all!
Diane Brus safe travels!!!!!