Alice Springs
Interesting is how i would describe the Alice and it is our first real experience of NT Alcohol rules and the problems that exist outback in larger communities. Steve was a bit shocked when he went to get a slab and had to hand over the licence and that there was security guards and the entrance of the bottle shop. But I think the main thought of Alice was that it was very quiet, i had expected a bustling town about the size of Bendigo. However although it was about the size of Bendigo it didn't seem to be bustling and it just look a bit tired. This is not to say that it wasn't interesting and there is a lot to see and do there but something was missing and i just can't work out what.
On the first morning the boys went to the info centre for ideas on what to do so we decided to go and have a look at the School of the Air, this was great and it gives you an idea of how big this country is amazing what these kids do and they seem in many ways to be getting a better education than most kids. I thought it was great but i would really struggle sending them away (though at many points i would gladly give the boys away) for high school. Then we had a look at ANZAC hill which gives you a good look at the whole town and the Ranges wow. Then off to the flying doctors and again it is amazing what they do and it was very reassuring to know that no matter where we travel they won't be far away. As i was not interested in the trucking museum Callum and I went Shopping and Steve and James went to the trucking museum, they said that they really enjoyed this and that anyone into trucks would think it the bee's knees. Then we had a bit more of a tootle around town and topped up on supplies it was off to bed early as we were going to the Desert Park the next day.
Alice Springs Desert Park, well this was terrific, we are big fans of Healesville and it is similar to this but it has a great Audio guide and the rangers on duty make it very interesting and i must say that we have been using all we have learned there in regard to the wildlife and birds eversince. The birds of prey is not to be missed and the walk though all the different types of deserts is great the Australian desert is not just red sand it is full of amazing animals, birds and flora this is not to be missed. After most of the day at the desert park we went for a drive out to Simpsons gap which is an easy walk, which we need by this time as it was getting very hot. You walk along a creek bed and then find yourself at this wonderful water hole very cool and beautiful.There are more gorges and gaps along this road but we didn't have time to get to them and it will be one reason to defiantly go back.
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