MeznG. In the air, on the road, river or sea again
What an adventure we have had. Seen so much, walked many many miles. Talked to lots of people none of whom we will remember but at the time it was interesting. Today in Amsterdam, not sure what we will do but we will enjoy our last day least until next time! Xx Well what a day it turned out to be. It's hot more than 30 degrees. Our hotel is centrally located and Amsterdam is a walkable city. So off we go. There are a few places we didn't get to last time we were here so we walk through the park, visit the Rijks Museum ( to use the toilet and the free WiFi....seen a lot of museums lately and it was cool inside! ) We attempted to visit Anne Franks House but the line to get in was soooo long so once again we give that a miss. We have walked and walked again today and after a couple of drink stops we go back to the hotel to refresh before dinner. Ribs for dinner at Rancho and they are huge but delicious. Back on shank's pony we go to explore the pretty lights in certain parts of Amsterdam. Glenn can't eleven his luck, but its Gay Pride Week in Amsterdam. Unfortunately the big parade is Friday night but the festivities kicked off tonight. So many men in drag. It's after 10, the sun has gone down but it is still very hot. Early start tomorrow as we begin our journey home.
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