Hong Kong. The end of our tour. who would of thought it could of gone so smoothly. Whoever did was wrong!
When we arrived we realised that we didnt have the correct Visa. We have a single entry visa but when you come into Hong Kong its not classed as China so you need a double entry to re-enter mainland China! So We have spent the most of today applying for a new Visa.
OUr plan going forward is to stay in Hong Kong till the 03/04. Then we will catch an over night train to the island of Hainan. Hopefully stay there for a few days. one of my friends - Gem - from Uni is they so see her aswell!
Then we will make our way to Vietnam around 08/04. The earliest we can enter is 09/04 - lets hope we have the right Visa! It is here we will have a new recruit - Meg!
Apart from the Visa issue Hong Kong is going ok. We have a room that is basically a bathroom with a bed in it! and a toilet with shower over it. And to top it off i went to do some washing and the launderette dyed all my white clothes pink! Met quite likes his pink boxers though.
Hong Kong itself is very westernised! they drive on the left, the road signs are the same and most people speak english. But hopefully see some more traditional culture tomorrow.
Hope you can all see the photos that we uploaded.
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