Another v. early morning and soon we arrived in Kep - a small sea side town which hasn't awoken in years. From here we caught a 'private' boat to Rabbit Island and after we had got on the driver seemed to invite the whole town along for the ride. Clearly the boat (which was really long and narrow) was not designed for the waves in the sea because we almost capsised several times and got absolutly soaked.
Rabbit Island was amazing. Hopefully you can see the pics of our accomodation - the huts, which were about 10 metres from a small sandy beach and crystal clear water. After 2 days the island we soon got sick of the food options - it was either rice or noodles. This was our options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The other thing which was quite cool was all the animals wandering around by our huts. We we awoken with pigs and goats under our hut which Gem and Meg thought were cute - I thought they should have sacrificed one and maybe we would have had a few more food options!!
The boat back to Kep was even worse than the boat out. I thought I was going to have to dive in after my rucksac after it was so close to falling out the boat, and I'm pretty sure Gemma was frantacilly looking for a lifejacket at one point which of course there were none.
We spent the night in Kep and found a really nice place with Bamboo walkways between buildings built onto the side of the hill. Overall a really good couple of days.
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