Iam now in Portugal and at last....SUNSHINE!! Iam afraid that despite warnings to you I did get a little sunburnt yesterday - ouch!!
Matt I can´t believe that you did the skydive - you are so brave, just as well I didn´t realise beforehand! I would be just where you were Rachael - on terra firma! Can´t wait to see the photographic proof.
It all sounds wonderful. thankyou both for taking the time out to keep us all updated it´s so brilliant to get your news.
Jen Jen arrived yesterday and although we did agree that 09.30 was too early for V&T we have helped her to catch up since. Went into Alvor last night it was busy but comfortably familiar.....lovely!!
All misssing Jacqui here, so strange without her but she being great nursey and yesterday we heard that Robert is feeling much more comfortable so that´s great news isn´t it.
Shall give you an update soon, take loads of care of yourselves and each other. Love you both, Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Backpackers!
Glad to hear your feeling better Matt! and hope your ok too rach!
Was just looking at your photos and they are really amazing! I am so happy for u both and hope u enjoy every minute.
I had a bad first day at hillingdon hospital as i was reallly nervous and the staff werent too nice to me. Then things got worse the next morning when i woke up for an early shift and fell the whole length of the stairs and knocked myself out. Poor andrew had to spend 6am till 11am in A&Ewith me.Where i endured a neck brace being strapped on me, 2 blocks taped to my head, and then to top it off my head was taped to the bed and i was sent off for a million Xrays. Luckily i didnt broken anything, however havent been able to walk properly for a few days because of a bad back, neck and leg! due to go back to work o n wednesday .
Anyway glad to see that your wearing one of andrews tops matt! (mr perfect) As andrew has been having an absolute feild day in and out of your wardbrobe!
Take care of each other! Miss you both! Have fun !!!!!!!!!
Lots of love Dem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tess Stevo And Co
Hi Matt & Rach
We were so relieved to hear that you are much better Matthew. We were all thinking of you and very worried. As your mum says- get back to enjoying yourselves and both of you keep well!
Stevo, Mike, Dave an Emma went home today and we are feeling very low. We have all had such a good time(I know that it is impossible not to here!) Michael and Dave experienced Lagos night life on Saturday and were delighted to be given free cocktails and shots in the bars. In one of them they were given a LITRE of the house cocktail and ended up pouring it down the loo!! In case you are thinking that we are very irresponsible parents, we werent far away but sipping coffee not cocktails!!
I am really looking forward to Susie getting here and JennIE in the morning(not sure if its appropriate to greet her with a V&T at 9am?!) We are very disappointed that Jacqiu isnt coming but understand that Rob needs her more.
Keep the bogs and photos coming, I will have to fight Susie & Tom for the computer though.
Look after each other
Love you loads
Tess, Megs and Wills xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi you two - it is amazing seeing your photos and info -you sound like you having terrific fun. I am pleased to hear that you are both feeling better now xxx What a great trip its shaping up to be. Its bringing back some memories of Thailand and Singapore - very envious xx
I case you are interested I just got back from a cruise in the Baltic which was fandabidosie - great ship great company great ports of call - especially St Petersburg! and mucho martinis and vodka tasting. We visited the Ice Bar in Stockholm which was truly an expereience - dressed with smurf like cloaks and big mittens so we could brave the -5 temperatre and were able to hold our ice glasses! It was a blast! Back home now and have taken over matron duty for Rob - he's recovering well but still lotsa pain from stiches - hopefully they will be out this week though.
Looking forward to the next blogs and photos. We all miss you and send loadsa love and hugs. Look after each other - lol J xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum L
Hi you two
We are so relieved that Matt is feeling better and that you can both get on with having the time of your lives......please keep well! Mind you i now have a lovely clean house and tidy garden to thank you for as I had to keep busy to stave off the worry!!
Just getting ready to go to Portugal - flying early this evening. Travelling alone but taking solace in the fact that I know Teresa shall be there waiting with a rather large gin & tonic!! Can't tell you how much I am lookinf forward to sunshine as summer appears to have bypassed Britain this year!
Dad coming over Friday and Andrew looks just a little too pleased to be 'home alone'!!! We are just in the process of clearing his room to decorate and guess what.... he's nowhere to be found at the moment!!
I shall keep in touch from Portugal, I can get on line and theres a land line so hopefully talk soon.
Take good care of each other. love you & miss you very much Mum
p.s I didn't notice anything untoward with the elephants trunk!
The Rigby's
Hi there Matt and Rachel
Just been looking at your pictures and reading blog it sounds like you are having a really great time. I think you are probably having better weather than us !! We off to Portugal on T hursday . . . not as exotic as your travels but I think we can hopefully expect some sun. !! Have brilliant time and take care
lots of love from Lynda Ben Gemma Michael and (last but not least !!!)Scotty xxxx
hello! looks like your both having an amazing time! just had a quick look through your pics, i'm so so so so jealous! Just been in Ireland for a week or so and it didn't stop raining the whole time! lol. loving the tans, or have u just popped in for a quick spray rach and dragged matt with you?! haha. well keep posting messages, glad ur having an amazing time!! lots of love, laura!x x x x x :)
Biggus Dickous
Hi Mr Perfect and Mrs Perfect,
Love to the T-Shirt. A mans work is never done, I have just taken a little time out form my daily chores, washing, ironing cleaning, shopping etc .... to lose myself in your travelling exploits.
It looks like so much fun, I have been veiwing you photos' Wow, great tans, you have definitly got sunshine on your side, you must have taken the UK's portion with you as it has not stopped raining since you left .
Now there are some people who would look at the Elephant photo's and make some lewd observation, however I am above all that now and from the observations of your lovely Godmother I know when I am out of line.
Keep up the good work.
Love Richard, Evey & TJ
P.S. Matt, I think your Godmother has got the "Hots" for me I love it when she talks dirty
P.P.S. Has'nt the Elephant got a big Trunk.
Tess Stevo And Co
Hey Matt & Rach
Australia sounds fantastic, you are so lucky- I would love to see the great barrier reef!! Latest photos are really lovely, you both look so great!
We are still chillin in Portugal, managed to do zoo marine and water slides - very tiring though so will probably have to have a rest tomorrow!! Weather has been fantastic, not a cloud in the sky, which will be much needed by mum & dad L!!!!!!!! really looking forwrd to seeing them, Jacqui & JenIE but will miss Stevo, Mike, Dave & Emma when they go home. Ah well someone has to stay!!
PS Do not listen to your very irresponsible Godfather, must be the ramblings of an old man!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Biggus Dickus
Hi Matt & Rach,
I haven't had a post card yet . Hols looks & sounds amazing. So glad to hear that your Taxi driver was a star, a man after my own heart. You obviously hailed the Taxi in the correct and well known mannner.
Here's another useful tip for the travelling pack packers. Remember "Rach" to always lift the toilet seat first just in case the Black Widow Bed python has sneaked a looksie I've just watched National Geographic Channel and they say that Australia has the 10 most dangerous animals in the world, you can never be to safe.
Keep up the good work, it's a hard job but someone's got to do it.
Love to you both
Richard, Yve & TJ
Sarah P
hey rach and matt!
just been looking through all of your pics, looks like you're havin an amazin time!! its so surreal to think you're out there! whats this i keep reading about maccy d's?!?! i was expectin noodles galore!! cant wait to catch up when you're back. by the way i love your white strapless dress in one of the photos rach! hehe. take care both of you, cant wait to see more pics x x x x
Mum & Dad L
Hi you two, great to read your blog message this morning although Tom reads quicker than me and got me very worried as he was one step ahead saying "Oh no" "Oh no"! How very lucky it turned out for you that first day and how honest that cab driver was. Nice to know there are people like that around.
It all sounds fantastic it seems you hardly have time to catch your breath before another adventure!
We are leaving Cornwall today and despite the weather we have had a great couple of weeks. Yesterday we went to the Eden Project and had are own experience of the tropical rainforest! Somewhat scaled down but it gives us a little insight!!
Hope your bus journey went well and looking forward to the next installment.
P.S Just packing up the car to come home and dodging the rainstorms ....we have just had a torential downpour; the rain was literally horizontal and came with hail stones!! Bet that makes you feel great!