Photos are fantasitc, so good we can see where you have been and follow your journey. Bangkok, fantastic place, I remember when were there, amazing.
Take it all in, it is not until you get back you realise what you have seen and how wonderful it all was. You still have some fantastic places to see.
We are all enjoying the lovely English weather, rain, rain and more rain, at least we have won a gold in the swimming.
Enjoy the rest of your trip, stay safe and looking forward to hearing your stories when you get back
Lots of love, thinking of you both
Love Ilse & John
Hi Rach and Matt
Well has been a few days since I looked at your blog ksies still grey here but you certainly sound as if you are having a fabulous time. Loving the pictures. Called in Mum's yeserday Grandad was there we had been to the Toby Paul had treated us!!! Carpet still clean .....Told Tort she can go down to Faye for a couple of days maybe needs the change of sceneery although I think she is enjoying her hols. Liz and Andreas restaurant opening tonight after its refurbishment going more Greek now we are taking Grandad there on wednesday.faye coming to the end of her intermediate course and taking lots of exams on radar she's not feeling particularly confident at the moment hope all goes well as otherwise will have to be re-sheduled and do the whole course again!!
Well you two hope everything is how you wish it to be in Oz and continue enjoying every moment. Stay safe and lots of love Auntie Jean xx
Nanny Carol
Hi Matt & Rachel I have enjoyed reading your blog.You seem to have a lovely time. In every way Your photos are superb and I loved them all. I am looking forward to hearing from you again at Kathy's.
God Bless you both and lots of Love from Nanny Carol
Hi dudes!
Your pictures look amazing, v.jealous of the tans. It all looks and sounds fanatastic. Glad your over your colds and feeling better, wana hear all about australia soon, dont forget to go white water rafting in Cairns and watch out for the crocs,lol. I can no longer talk about your trip, the jealousy is too much for me so instead i will fill you in on some fact-tets about my amazing life since you left.
FACT 1 - I have a job.......yes thats right rach, a real job! Working for Entertainent UK in greenford, in their enquiries team. Its only temp but might go permanent will do for now and its all about DVD's so it suits me to the ground. (Except i have to get up at 6AM and fight with lots of people with briefcases and polyester suits to get on the train...b*****ds!)
FACT 2 - Provisional license has arrived!! After sending the wrong amount on the cheque they sent the form back to me but now at long last my license has arrived, so i am one step closer in my challenge to pick you up from the airport.
FACT 3 - I have the hangover of all hangovers today, went out in Covent garden last night, was a wicked night, but the hangover is the worst ever...errror!! Also looking at your pictures on the slide show has just brought on a wave nausea,lol.
FACT 4 - Mum and Dad are going to Cornwall tomorrow for a week and I have just been informed that I am in charge of putting the rubbish out on wednesday morning and watering the plants in the conservatory....such fun!
FACT 5 - I have now been to see Mamma Mia 3 times and am officially about as cool as a roast potato.
Well, i have run out of facts but as you can see my life is thoroughly interesting, i just cant cope with all the excitement, and im sure this post has left you both breathless.
missing you rachy, both of you stay safe
lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum And Dad R
Dear Matt and Rachie
Just managed to view all the photos and blogs. Been busy at work, dog walking (I need you Rach) and running around as usual.
Noticed your hair is tied back Rach in the photos - I remember the heat and humidity in Singpore all those years ago. So much for the straighteners, have you used them yet??? Leaving them at home would have made your bag lighter by a few kilos!!!!
Went up to Knightsbridge on Tuesday evening with Alison and Co and rubbed shoulders with the professional florists - decided I'm useless and not to give up the day job!! Had a good laugh, good to see all ex-floristry students. The champagne was flowing - surprised we could even see the flowers.
Dad is moaning I am not home to cook dinner - so he has been living on takeaways! Off again on Monday as the car has beeen recalled by Renault for a faulty bonnet catch - any excuse, dinner at Grandad's again!!
Dad is off to Qatar (Middle East to you) soon - how about a detour!! Ha Ha! I can feel a girly evening coming on!!!
Went to Grandad's with Tor on Friday - they played cards not sure who won! Will show him your blog when he comes over on Sunday.
Sounds like you are really enjoying Australia (Rach don't ring me and start crying I thought something was wrong) I was panicking. It was lovely to hear your voice - ring me when you get to Sydney.
Still raining here - wet dog, carpet still clean so far!!
Enjoyed our day at the beach ended up singing on the train on the way back to the car park (Singing in the Rain!) you have to give it to us we are troupers!
Alfie is off to the Vet on Tuesday so we will have one sad dog on tuesday night. Thinking of changing his name to 'Moneypit' - have cut out his lunch as he weighed 40kg nearly as heavy as your backpack!!! This is a last ditch attempt to get his weight down!!
Well enjoy Australia - treat Matt to a razor for that stubble!!
Miss you loads. Lots of Love Mum and Dad xxxxx
Hi you two xxx
Just got your last installment Rachael, bet the great barrier reef was awesome let alone the rainforest. How's sleepyhead?? Don't worry you are bound to find a time zone that suits Matts sleep pattern, Ha Ha!!
It is absolutely bucketing down in Cornwall and blowing a real gale. Richard, Evey & Taylor left this morning as did our friends Karen and Steve so it's just the two of us marooned in the conservatory! Never the less there are far worse places to be at the height of this wonderful british summer!!
Introduced Taylor and co. to the bowls/ gocart circuit - it's fast becoming a 'must do' down here!!! Tayor was brilliant once he got the hang of the corners and i swear just as competative and focused as Reg!!
Debs and Tim are coming over tomorrow with Alphie and Henry in tow. Hopefully we should get into the sea which shall be fun. Which reminds me when is Matts surf lesson scheduled for??I havn't forgotten our wager!!
Can't wait to see the next photos - Dads worried as I'm already looking at resorts in Thailand! as it is!
Talk soon, take care of each other. Love you, miss you Mum and Dad
Hi Matt & RachWe love the photo's it takes us back to 2005 Malaysia visiting all the beautiful temples, I'm very envious, when in Singapore did you have afternoon tea in Raffles typical English, but then not really your "cup of tea".Sorry I couldn't resist. I'm exhausted just reading your blog, when you are in a different location for only a few days you just have to see everything, so you priorities what has to be seen. Hopefully now that you're in Australia you can have a bit of a rest. I bet the time is flying bye.Writing your blog is truly wonderful so much information and the photos they just capture your trips. In years to come you will be able to read this blog and relive all the precious moments.I just want you both to know that the weather here is absolutely awful raining as usual not so warm today 10th August. We did have a warm day on the 6th Aug. the only reason I remember it, was because it was our 42nd wedding anniversary and we spent all day in London, it was really hot. Matt Nan is coming tomorrow for the day, she will be reading your blog, it will take her a time to read and look at all the photos, and I know she is really looking forward to catching up with all your travel news. Lots of love from Kathy & David
Thanks so much for all your messages, its been really nice to read them, so glad your enjoying the blog. Matts sleeping at the mo (he's done alot of that this trip!), so thought id grab the chance to apologise for some of the awful pics that have been posted! matt uploaded the whole camera, personally i would have edited some! We are both having an amazing time, only been in Australia a few days but i already love Cairns and have been to the great barrier reef and cape tribulation (rainforest).
Love reading your messages Tor, keep them coming coz I like to know the gossip from home! however your use of the English language is difficult to understand! please write clearly! and i would appreciate if i did have some clothes to wear when i come home that arent worn out! look after my things! Good luck lil sis for results day, my fingers and toes are crossed.
Missing every1 loads, will post a blog for Cairns soon so you can see all the pics.
Lots of love Rach x x x
Hello travellers!!!
Hate to admit it but i am soooo soooo soooo jealous of you both! Your photos look amazing and your blogs are making me go green with envy! You both already have amazing tans and it looks like matts growing a monster of a beard lol!
Missing you both alot... i wanted Andrew to write that in the last message but he wouldnt let me! And gutted we didnt get to say bye to you properly Rach
Our camping trip was eventful. It piddled down but what can you expect on an English holiday eh? I obviously was given the role of the cook (slave) Was funny trying to cook for 4 on a 1 ring gas hob and disposable bbq's in the pouring rain!
I start my training at hillingdon on monday, very nervous! But Sue assures me that I will make a lovely Nurse... so im taking her word for now.
Anyway I really do Hope you guys are having an amazing time! You really deserve it, we all know how hard you both worked to make it happen. Miss you both, Take care and love ya both lots! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi guys! So sorry havent been in touch yet - looks like you've been busy anyway... all sounds fab - the blogs are great, but im suffering "fact-itis" from the wiki-wiki-wiki-pedia style facts. When you went to sentosa did you see the magical light show?! this too was very cheesy, but quite impressive, but had a crazy little chinese man running around and singing stuff i couldnt understand. I get your dipping in and out of shops for the air con - i remember doing this a lot, they have remarkably strong air con - why cant we get it right here! did you go for a singapore sling in the long bar? bloody rank if you ask me.. i'll stick to me vodka, tonic, slice of lime thanks very much.
anyway, hope Aus is fantastic - look forward to reading more and seeing more photos. I know its "all about you" at the moment but If you are interested to know, i am fine thank you very much. dont miss you in the slightest, oops, i mean cant wait for you to come back :)
Going to portugal in a week, im a little bit scared about spending time with Major Tom, he will have all sorts of activities planned and a timetable... I will be sure to have a nice little shot for you two in the Alvor bar.
Matt, I would say i'll keep you informed of fulhams new season when it starts, but we all know that it is a waste of time, so i'll just say now that you lost your first 5 matches. It is the year of the scolari....
Big love to you both, keep safe and have mucho fun, ciao! JenJen xxxx
Hi Rach and Matt, your mum gave me the website. Gather you're in Oz by now, looking forward to seeing you at the end of the month. Enjoy the sunshine up there, it's been bloody cold down here, but hopefully will be warmer by the time you get here. Will be at the airport to pick you up. See you then
Tess Stevo And Co
Hi Matt and Rachel
I tried sending you a message last week but not sure if it worked- heres hoping that this is a success! It has been sooo wonderful to be able to read all about your fantastic travels and experiences and the photos are just great. It is lovely to feel so close to you both, we cant wait for the next instalment!! Glad that you are now both well- keep it that way.
We are having a wonderful time in Portugal, you know that it is like coming home. Have to own up though that we are being very lazy, havent strayed too far from the villa coz its too easy to just chill out by the pool! (Mike & Dave dont get up til 1pm any way!!) Emma flew out today which is fab.
We all miss you and send all of our very fondest love xxxx Take lots of care of yourselves and each other- God bless
Tess, Stevo and Co xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx