Hi Matt & Rachel,Well you are more than likely on your way home, and feeling sad about ending your holiday adventure ................ Well don't be, you have both shared a unique magical experience, something that you will both remember for the rest of your lives. Be happy when you return everyone is waiting to see you, we have missed you and can't wait to see you ............... Thank you for the Blog and photo's they were a great way to share you fun. May you both have a safe journey home and may the memories that you have of your holiday bring your happiness when you are sad.Lots of Love Richard PS you had better be wearing a fleece and water proofs it's cold and wet in the real world ............
Mum R
Dear Rach and Matt, So looking forward to having you home on Tuesday. Dad and I will be at the airport to carry your backpack! Your trip seems to have gone so quickly but it has been great to be able to track you along the way.
Katie and I went to "the Ritz" for tea last Sunday - which was lovely. Even the waiter was amazed we had 3 pots of tea! Katie spilt tea on the sparkling white tablecloth - can't take you girls anywhere! We ate cucumber sandwiches (well I did Katie hates cucumber - more for me!), lots of scones, cream jam we were in heaven. Were completely stuffed time we left the Hotel!
I've retrieved your clothes from Victoria so your wardrobe is back to normal now I hope. Work starts saturuday darling - another Estate Agent in the family!
Lousy day today - lots of rain. Grandad is coming over for roast beef. We are taking advantage while you are not here as it will be chicken, chicken, chicken when you are home.
Well see you soon at Terminal 5! Let's see if BA lives up to its claims and you are on time!!!
Lots of love Mum xxxx
Kathy & David
Hi Matt & Rach.
Sorry we missed your birthday Rach. I hope you are enjoying all the Theme parks, your present from Matt, so much to do enjoy we did. I have caught up with all your photo's, amazing you have covered so much and you look so happy.
I could be jealous but we will be going on holiday In October flying to NY and then on the Royal Caribbean so your photo's are getting me in the holiday mood already.
It will be great seeing you both at the Xmas Family do, you will have so many memories to share with us all.
Looking forward to the next chapter and photo's.
At the moment the weather has been great actually sunny and quite warm. Nan L. is kept up to date with all your travels as I inform her. I took Nan to see Mama Mia at the Beck Theatre she loved it. Imagine this picture 300 little old biddies with their walking sticks fighting to get to their seats, Luckely I chose wisely and put Nan on an aisle seat near the front. Lots of her friends where their. I hope when I get to 88 I will.be wanting to watch an Abba Film. It took nearly 15 minutes to actually get back to the foyer, I even had time for a coffee and cake.
Anyway love from Kathy David and Lots of Love from Nan Lom.
X Tor X
hey soz its been so long but i have a life too lool and a l8 happy birthday we tried to send the cards but mum left it to l8 so ur hav to hav them wen u get bk. but u cant hav ur b'day until the 8th of oct coz the 30th-7th is my birthday week kk
6form is soo hard but im loving the free periods nearly 17 but its kinda a nuffin age coz i still cant get into pubs wat a piss take !! so i duno wat im gunan do for it prob somink low key well as low key as i can go lol i cant waiot to start drivin but no1 will take me so guess wat u 2 r takin it in turns to tak em kk hahahaha i promise not to crash manda got up to 3rd gear on her first lesson sooo jelous !!
n i got the most gorgous shoes evaaaa there purple and i needed my purple nail varnise to go with them but i gave it to u . they are well high but soooo nice soz u cant borrow them coz there only a 4 n u hav boat feet hahaha
matt u looked so funny on the surf board but at least u got up unlike rach wo only had a pick with 1 leg up lool
ohh well u hav never reali been the sporty type but at least u tried hahahah
c u soon lov tor xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you to everyone who wrote a birthday message, i had a great birthday. We spent the day at Waitomo Caves, black water rafting! so much fun (wearing another flattering outfit!) and had dinner at Nandos with carrot cake and a candle. The last few days we have been touring the north island in a campervan, having an amazing time, stopping where ever we want (loads of pics to follow).
Looking forward to birthday celebrations when i get home. Flying to LA tomorrow and my present from Matt was a pass to all the theme parks and hotel (luxury at last!). so we've got 5 days of theme park madness to look forward to, 3 days in Disney!
loads of love, missin u
Rachael x x x
Mum & Dad L
Hi you two xx
Just caught up with the latest photos........ absolutely brilliant!! Hope you are having fun in the camper, Debs is very jealous! Glad you got it all sorted, Dad thought it was just a bad dream!!!
We have just had an unusually hot and sunny weekend so we joined Caron (scarey witch) for a sponsered walk along the dorset coastal path - 14 miles later ended up collapsed on swanage beach.........not a pretty sight. Supreme athletes not!!! Grandma and Grandad met us later with Jacqui, Steve and Teresa and all send their love xxx.
Guess what Grandma and Grandad have just bought a Wii!!!!!! Was fun and games back at their place!
Thank you so much for all the messages and photos - we love it. Enjoy every minute, talk soon.
Loveyou, miss you, take good care Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Matthew and Rachel
I saw the pictures of you with the Koalas and Kangaroos that looked like so much fun. Can you bring one home with you, hope the spiders have'nt got you.
Love Tayler
Hi you two - it all sounds so fantastic!!! Just wanted to say hope you had a lovely birthday Rach and hope you got my text on Matt's phone on saturdayx I hear you're loving new zealand - cant wait to see you both and hear all about it miss you loads
lotsa love J xxxxxx
Mum And Dad R
Dear Rach and Matt
Well my last message did not get posted so here I go again! Happy Birthday today Rach. Lovely to speak to you on the phone this morning - spent your birthday in a cave and eating Nando's - well that's novel! Glad to see you treated yourselves to a lovely meal! Seems strange you are not home on your birthday no cake, no balloon, no cards. Failed miserably to get your cards to you - postal system rubbish cards still in Australia! Not long before you are home - Tor's wardrobe will shrink by half. Looking forward to the 7th - have an amzing time on the next stage of your travels. big birthday hug when you get home. Weather is sunny today so tidying the garden (at least Dad is).
Lots of Love Mum and Dad xxxxx
Happy Birthday Rach!!
Hope your having a lovely day and are enjoying the sun somewhere beautiful!
Looks like your having such an amazing time, the photos are stunning making me jealous in the bright old sunny england! Cant wait to hear about it all once you are back!!
Love and birthday hugs x x x
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! wooooooo 22....that is OLD! Hope you have a lovely day dude and do something special! When u come home, we will celebrate again,lol