Hi You two - sounds like you are having the time of your lives how brilliant. Remember your cookery lesson, we shall be expecting the finest thai cuisine when you get home!
We have just arrived down in Cornwall & yes it's raining but hey ho we ( me Dad Demi & Andrew) shall have fun... hopefully send you some photos.
Thankyou for messages, we do miss you but it's so great to hear from you.
Love you loads, mum and Dad Andrew and Demi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well it sounds like your having a rubbish time, im not jealous at all...go england!! Haha...im green with envy, it sounds amazing guys! Im missing you loads, but so pleased your having so much fun! Keep us updated, so good to hear from you!
Have fun, lots of love, kit xxxxxxx
Well you two it sounds as if you have started your trip off in style. Sitting at my desk very bored looking out at a grey sky!! look forward to next instalment take care lots of love Auntie Jean
Hope you're having a great time, got your mail. Looks like you started off 5 star, speak soon.