Hi Matt and Rachel Just wanted yo say Hi from the Maharas back in sunny Ickenham! Glad you're having such a fantastic trip the photos are amazing we're very jealous! Nick very impressed with sky dive Matt! Enjoy the rest of your travels and we look forward to catching up when you get home.
lots of love Caroline Mark Nick Dan and Carys xxxxx
is that for real (official blog supervisor) ?/
and matt your leave of immaturity and imbecileia i made dat word up but u no wat it means !!
im not vicky and i dont drink white lighting dat is for tramps aka matt and the douay gangster crew !! hahaha
and i have never stolen anythign in my life and i dotn have to beacuse at this moment in time i have more money than you so i wont b the steeling a gucci ring if i was going to steel anythign it would be jimmy choo's derr !!!
2day i enroled into 6form ! what a waste of time that was basicly i sat there said yes to confirm the subs and gave my book card and acceptance letter and gave £5 for the 6form social fund and that was about it lool
i have a day at brunel on monday to loki round n do som team building activities(which im dreading) i dont see the point reali czo if i go to uni it defo wont be round here this is my ticket out of the looney bin aka 112 windsor avenue lool anf then i offical start bk at skool on tues and every1 eles goes bk 2moz which makes me feel better about it all !!
wat other news do i have ohh yh u myt be goin bk to oz sooner than you think coz dad got offerd a job out there was gunan wait till u got bk to tell you but u no me cant keep my mouth shut its no where near a definate but at least we can hav a hol out of it while we go over n look at houses dad recons his work will pay for us to look at houses im quite excited actully!!! iv been watchin wanted down under and the sizes of there houses are amazing i so wonna be a rich solit brate lool
cant beileve u havnt seen a koala on the tele there everywhere lol
MATT stop with the bad jokes your just imbarresing your self now face it your not that smart and your not that funny ahhh feel ebtter for geting that of my chest hahaha
what are frapps ?? do u mean frapachino
2day i watched enchanted little mermaid just so i could sing the song dat you uswed to do me to death with lol and the sex in the city it was sooo said i cried but wats new lol
im gunna try and mak the most out of my last couple of days of freedom so me n becca are gunna go to thorp park on fri just us to which makes a change at the mo !!!
wer tryin to organise our holiday for next yr aswel to zante so myt need your help on the best places to go and stuff !! the numbers are already getting out of hand lool
loads of love tor xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Official Blog Supervisor
Any reference to birthdays is banned on this Blog, any message containing said reference will be removed
Mum And Dad L
Hi you two
Great to chat the other day, without the time delay too. I have just spoken to Luke as I wanted to check that I had given you Aarons correct No. but Luke told me that you had already met up for a drink or two!! How brilliant.
Back to work for me tomorrow - that word must seem like a distant memory for you both! We had a lovely sunny day Saturday so I dragged your Dad up ( not an easy feat following a Friday night post match analysis with his golf buddies) and we were down at Grandma and Grandads by 8.30 and in the sea by 10! Typically the rain was back by Sunday although we had a great day to finish of our hols. It all seems so strange to be going away on our own these days!!
Auntie Doris and Ken are off to Lorraines on Monday and looking forward to meeting up with you in Walnut Creek! Hopefully we shall see Nan over the weekend and help her to catch up with your blog although knowing your Nan she is probably ahead of us anyway.
Andrews room is coming along although we have to keep reminding him that it's not grand designs!! Hopefully it should be finished by next week ....that's if I can persuade your Dad to make just one more small trip to IKEA. If it were not for the meatballs I don't think I would stand a chance of getting him anywhere near there again!!
Shall talk soon, hope you have a safe and trouble free trip to Christchurch.
Love you, miss you take good care of each other Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S Don't forget that your Godfather has a big birthday coming up this weekend! Thought I had better tell you that he is trying to keep it low key just so you don't go making any big announcements on a public blog or any such thing !!!!!!?????
Kathy & David
HI Matt & Rach.
I have been away from my computer nearly all week, I have missed following your wonderful journey. Its taken me over half an hour to catch up and read all your bits, sounds like a great holiday I'm glad you are now over your illness Matt, what are you like.
You do like danger Matt I see you didn't inform Mum that you where doing the jump, just as well she would have been shttttttttttttttt herself.
I will be seeing Nan on Monday and I will keep her updated with your journey, she loved it when she came over I might bring her home so she can read and look at all the photo's.
Time is going very quick this end of the world, how is it down their for you two, when you are away enjoying yourself the time slips by very quick. I don't know when you are both back.
I have just had a week of 5 grandchildren so if I don't make sense its because I'm brain dead.
Love to you both take care and enjoy.
Love from Kathy
Jen Jen
why have they starred my t _ i_ t_ s and c_ o_ c_ k ? they arent rude are they?! sorry kids!
Jen Jen
whassssup losers, i mean travellers. matt, i just want to say, it was not one hell of a thrashing you gave the arse scum, but a mere slap across the wrists. dont get too excited mate, thats your lot for the season. we got the spurs tomorrow, i look forward to abusive totts t*** getting wiped off the pitch. (and of course the bridge's sunday morning breakfast beforehand... you know you are missing it) your dad and i made it down the alvor sports bar last weekend to indulge in some footie... i had flashbacks of you chucking your fulham shirt at the screen in a real hissyfit at your man u pounding a couple of years back... and we introduced your friends to the water game when they all came round - ben and linda et al. all 17 of us in the pool at the end. i had a great time in portugal, apart from being buried in the sand and made to look like an octopus (only after mum came over and realised that megans attempt at a jellyfish made me look like i had a rather large c*** inbetween my legs...no wonder that portuguese man came over and laughed at me)
rach, hope all well with you and you're not too bored of matt yet, i know its hard but you can make it... just think of home and nice, interesting people. xx
love to you both you smelly travellers, i can smell you from here. find some decent showering facilities. JJ Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Matt And Rach
vicky, vicky, vicky
yeh but no but, i didnt nick no gucci ring, you well out of order, aberdeens like well flex, i didnt do nothin anywayz, but u didnt see me cos i was round the ouse with becca and didnt drink no bacardi breezer cos of the cream carpet. we were drinkin shots of white lightning anwayz cos its like well good for diets and tings, shatup, u didnt see me do nothin so, oh my god i cant believe you just said that, thats like well out of order.anywayz gotta go cos da blazin squads on the telly and there like well fit.
What did i tell you about your writing style! plain english please (put those GCSE English grades to good use) congrats once angain for AWESOME (i am in oz!) results, i didnt doubt you for a second.
About the boats! i decided that i wasn't gona miss out on the Great Barrier Reef and Whitsundays (after all who knows when im next gona be in Australia, firstly i wud need a job!) so iv been wearing the sexy wristbands and takin sea sickness pills and so far the sick bag has remained empty (although iv been lookin very green at times!).
Hope everything goes ok at sixth form, esp your geography lessons (its in ur blood!)
I look forward to wearing your clothes when i get home, gettin bored of my limited selection (treated myself to a 5 pound jumper in sydney, its Crazy! but its clean!)
I wouldnt worry about dieting, the pounds are piling on (mcdonalds, subway, frapps, chips with everything, cookies) well what else is there to do on a 9 hr coach journey, but sleep and eat!
Great Ocean Road tomorrow, hopefully il see my first koala (last must see animal of the trip to go before we leave oz on weds)
I look forward to the next episode
Missin everyone loads
Lots of love Matt and Rach x x x
X Tor X
matt matt matt wheer should i start ! im very sorry that ur trip is sooo boaring that you hav to sit thereall day thinkin up as many"funny" , and i use that word losely, words to calll me hahah u had me in stitches NOT!! i no u missed me how can u not !!
further more, haha im gettin into the hole english thing lol ur faces u pulled ont he sky dive wer jokes who new that the face could get even uglyer but there u go !! lol
and thanks i thought i did pretty good too. katie sent me a card (from moon pig always wanted 1 of those n it said to tor (stacey slater) congratulations on ur wicked G.C.S.E results. who knew that you was so brainy , so its not just a pretty face. we are all extremely proud of you , well done.
its funny how suprised every1 is that i didnt fail !!lol i dont c why you have all known i hav always been so much more than just a pretty face i mean i hav the looks the intelligence my outstanding sence of humour and of course my careing n loving side! loool
rachael wat is with the pictures of u on a BOAT !!!!! U DOTN DO BOATS!!! so many trips we hav gone on and left u and kinda felt bad about it but not reali and then i see u sittin on a BOAT !! wat a liberty, you are somink eles !! hahaha and them wet suits sexyyyy lol
sorry i havn't wrote in a while i went down to fayes which was wkd but fayes was bit ill and when i got bk i need to sleep amber wore me out i dont no how they do it everyday!! n mum went away and i wasnt guna hav a party coz of the cream carpet i was to scared but i was gunna hav a few ppl over on sat but i got a head ach at work n only becca came over it was werid i was comin in earlier drinkin less and being more resonsable wat is with that i disappointed myself lool dont worry im bk to normall now so dont panic !!
1month n 1day and then im on the road i cant wait im so excited to start driving and when u get bk you can tak me out yahhh !!!! and your b pleased to no i hav bought loads of new clothes so i dont bother wearin urs anymore bit board of them to be honest its just vest tops n jeans lool and i bought loads of new stuff for 6form lik vest jumpers with shirts under but i dont hav any shoes so that my next pay packet gone haha oh well what is money for if it aint to mak u look prettier dats my moto n im on another diet !!! im determind to b skinner than you its not fair ur older than me you should b fatter lol
i have my enrolement on the 3rd of sep then the 7th is a day at brunel i dont reali no why i reacon it will be a yr bonding thing god i hope not havin to b nice to ppl all day !effort! lool and then i go to skool on the 8th i tink anyways ohh well !! lol
lastly, we have booked to go aberdeen to see katie on the 23rd -27th oct wid grandad but im not sure coz mum booked the tickets online so u never no lool mrs tecnofo ohh n katies "boyfriend" i use that losely too haha bought her a gucci keyring (£70) coz she took the piss out of him for havin everything designer including his keyring so he bought her 1 i go next time tak the piss out of his shoes maybe hell buy u a pair of jimmy choo's hahah
lov ya
signed gossip girl xoxo
Mum R
Dear Rach and Matt Have just managed to catch up with blog, photos etc. Internet not working properly as ususal - Tor has been on line!! Photos look fantastic - very brave Matt. I would have been down with Rach looking up not down!!
Just got back from Ilfracombe, Devon weather not so good but at least dry. We all had a great time and laughed the whole weekend. Hotel was like Fawlty Towers and comparisons were made on the state of the bathrooms/bedrooms. Grandad reckoned his was a cupboard! Jean bought me some ear plugs (to shut out the snoring) but I managed to get to sleep first most nights, you know I am a lightweight! Our room was like a sauna as we were over the kitchen - we could let everyone know what was on the menu prior to dinner!! We ate and drank our way through the weekend so now back to reality and work tomorrow! The questionnaires on the Hotel was an art form of their own - definitely neede refurbing but the friendly staff made up for it.
Tor was on her own for the weekend - scary stuff. But when I rang she said she felt she had to be sensible while I wasn't there! Alfie got her up at 5 o/c one morning he was not in her best books!!! Well she is off to 6th Form soon - God help them! Perhaps I can train him to get her up for school?
Dad still in Qatar - not so sure he is enjoying the heat! If only we could have some of it here.
Have you reached Sydney (civilisation) yet? Enjoy the city and let me know how you both are? Lots of love Mum xxx
Hello everyone, love to all my peps and big respects to all the messages.Big up!
Have just added a load more blogs and photo albums, check em out!
Thanks for all the messages, heres a quick reply to a few of them.
demi-hope ur feelin better now and that work at the hospital is going alright now, im sure it is anyway.
Andrew Lomasney, Rory McGrath, arsene wenger,jens lehman, lee dixon, nigel winterburn, Matt Lucas, martin keown, steven bould, paul merson, robert pires, patrick veira, thierry henry, Phil Tuffnell, Emmanuel Petit, Alan Smith and the k*** head that is Ian Wright. Can you hear me, your boys took one hell of a beating, one hell of a beating! glad ur camping trip was good and i love you too x x x
d*** Ed-thanks for the tip, im checkin every bloody toilet seat in australia.
Portugese Massive- Hope your all havin a good time over there and the weathers treating you well, keep the messages coming.
Jen Jen-glad ur ok, you think your so funny dont you.lost to hull, but beat the second best team in england after manchester united, cant work it out. we went to the raffles bar but didnt have a singapore slinga, i settled for a singapore singha down the road.x
Rob-Hope your feelin better mate
Tor/Stacey/Vicky Pollard/Kevin/Vicky/Little Maddam/Mads/Queen of the Chavs in the kingdom of chav land on your burberry throne and in your tiffany diamond encrusted crown.im kind of missin you, im loving the messages.cant wait for the backlash after this message, bring it on. WELL DONE WITH YOUR RESULTS!!! BIG UP!
Kathy-thanx for keepin nan updated, we did try some thai food but mcdonalds triumphed in the end