need to give you the goss from home coz every1 only says about what ur doin ! how selfish loool
Tor's news
well sunday (the beach day) where to start lol left the house at 9.00am which was a mircle wid mum and i duno why they insisted (dats wrong but oh well) on leaving so early coz we were first ones der as usual !!
i didnt tak my fleese well i lie ur fleese off all day lool but i hav my shorts on. it rained in the morn but did rain while we wer done there. katie went swimming and draged amber in with her! ambers lips were blue and katie was goibn reder and reder was sooooo funni. but the funnist part of the whole day was the train bk it was me mum alf auntie jean grand and paul and dilane in a open top carrage and it started tipin it down lool n i was in the seat the got the worst of it auntie jean paul andhad a towel over there heads amber craig n fayes had amber little umberlle and the rest of us got soaked and to top it all of we had the moodest trin diver every wo stoped 3 times to moan. then we went to new forest n it wa sstill rainin so we all just went home i no ! NO CHIPS !!! devestated !!!!
also if u havnt heard already which u proply hav coz its katie but she been on dates and didnt we hear about it but they was both 1st dates so i doubt she will be gettin a second invite coz she ate the menu lool
n i was fillin out my form for my drivin linence today i should of had a couple oflessons by the time u get bk i no watch out world tor's on the road hahahahha
u no ur pictures im a bit board of seeing rach and then matt and then rach n matt lol mix it up a little how about a few natives loool (big word ha)
21st aug is results day completly poopin it lool myt b joinin u inm austraila if it all goes bad but still dont think dat will b far enough away from mum's mouth and dad's glares lol ohh wo am i kidin i can handel it ! but if ther gd ill post them if i dont u no its bad lol
lookin 4ward to ur next post so i can do mine this is fun hahaha
lov ya
signed gossip girl looool hahahahah
Faye,craig And Amber
Hi you two, really enjoying reading your blog. (also enjoying Tor's comments on 'da message board!') Looks like you're having a great time glad that you are feeling better. We're not jealous at all, in fact we're loving the wind and rain here-didn't want a tan anyway! Keep us posted.
love Faye Craig and Amber xxx
Thank you both so much for your news and great photos, it's brilliant to see you both having such an amazing time. We are all relieved that the two of you are feeling better. xx
Glad also for the news that you have arrived in Australia safe and sound. How have you adjusted to the new time zone?
We are still in Cornwall and Matthew we have Devon skies ........ remember? Yes that's right grey and very damp. Never the less we are getting in the sea most days thanks to our wetsuits. Richard Evey & Taylor send their love as do Debs and Tim who came over to see us at the weekend.
Andrew and Demi survived the rain under canvas and come back from Poole today via Grandma and Grandad. No doubt Grandma will provide substinance and make sure they are dried out!
Thinking of you lots. Take care of each other, with loads of love Mum & Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Grandma And Grandad
Dear Matt and Rach,
We tried to send a message the other day but it's probably got lost in oblivion. Perhaps we failed the maths exam (hope the answer above will let us send a message to you). Anyway, it's just to say hello and say how happy we are to hear that you have made such a great start. We send you our love and best wishes - Look after yourselves.
Fondest love to you both - Grandma and Grandad (Doyle) xx
Rsm Tom
Hi Guys, Sorry to hear Rachael has not been well and glad you managed to feed your face on your mission of mercy. Great to get the updates, looking forward to seeing some pics. Glad I taught you how to march through departures, may come in hander later!!
Love Dad (AKA Sergeant Major Tom)
Allo bruva, good to hear you two are having a great time, me and dem are both slightly jealous but glad your enjoying yourselves. Were off to go camping in poole tomorrow, not as exciting as singapore but its a holiday.
Miss you both and hope its all 'Good Times'. x x x x
Hey! You 2 sound like you are having the time of your life! Not jealous at all! Would say i am Busy busy busy at work but you know that would be a lie! Still no sunshine for me to lie in... Hopefully the weather will be nice Sunday?!?!
Rach, you really should try something other than chicken... I hear the rat burgers are quite nice lol!
Oh well have loads of fun and take lots of pics!
See you Both soon Take care!
Love Paul x
P.S Matt dont start lugging her bags around thats the first step to a ball and chain!
Hi you two - it's just over a week since you left and look at what you've done already! Off to Singapore today, how exciting. Hope you had an easy flight and accomodation is good.
We are still braving the elements in Cornwall........ it has just stopped raining, let's hope it lasts although you know I love it whatever the weather! We did the bowling/ gocart thing last night & must say we did miss Reg!! Richard and Evey arrive today - I see Richard has added to your blog with some all important advice!!
Caroline, Mark and Carys are coming over tomorrow on their way home from hols. It will be really good to see them here.Everyone sends their love and are after your news so we shall spread details of your blog.
Demi and Andrew leave tomorrow to go camping - they've borrowed a 6 man tent with all modcons so a big improvement on our 2man tent in the back garden!! I suppose you could say they've had an upgrade!
Looking forward to your next bulletin. Take good care of yourselves and each other. Love you loads Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kathy& David
Hello Matt & Rachel
This is great following your wonderful jorney. " ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY", Matt I will make sure Nan will see your journey and updates.
We have been to Malaysia its wonderful the people are so lovely as I'm sure they are wherever you go. Make sure you try all the different foods, You will always find Macdonalds but that's boring.
I will be reading your web daily, so keep it coming, don't get sunburnt even when its cloudy suntan lotion at the ready.
I will be looking forward to your photo's.
Love from Kathy & David
Hi Rachie and Matt, Love reading your blog - everyone asking where you are now. You know I like to know what you are up to. I'm trying to control Victoria raiding your wardrobe but she is having a field day. Weather here today is roasting - Grandad is making bolognese not that you would eat it. Still tucking in to chicken - try fish it is good for you. You burnt then - I tried to give you factor 50 - you no listen to your Mummy!!! Picking up Katie today as she is going down to Southampton for the weekend and then meeting us at Hengistbury on Sunday - you are missing our day at the beach (weather permitting). Still rain or shine we will be there!
Not so exciting as your travels - I see you are down to one backpack already - who is carrying that I wonder ?????
Lots of love enjoy yourselves stay safe.. Mum xxx
Biggus Dickus
Hi Matt & Rachel,Glad to hear and see that you are both well and truly on your Hols. It sounds so exciting and so much fun. Funny enough I'm on my Hols to. Yesterday I got up and spent the day peeling wallpaper of the walls. Decorating is so much fun when the sun is shining and it is 28 degrees……… Not !!!!!!!!!!! Can't stop, got wall paper to hang. You are both experiencing not only a fantastic holiday together but also something that is truly special. Take as many photos and video as you can muster, it will give your memories the soundtrack that it deserves. Meanwhile, ponder on this, whilst you're travelling the world feasting on the visual delights, savouring on the culinary explosions of spicy food, you can also share your countries cooking triumphs and tips. Just like John Cleese said "The English contribution to world cuisine - the chip."Remember the international chant for calling a cab …………. "HellOOOW MAYTE" ............... "How you Doing, Mini Cab... Min Cab, why you kicking my dog and calling him F#@k off" Keep up the updates.Love to you bothRichard, Evey & Tayler XXXXXXXXXXXXX JPs I've past your Blog to Tanya and Phillippa ……… Stand by for some serious envy & abuse J
Tor X
heyy x
mum told you about my belly button then !! lool in the end i didnt hav it done coz you no how scared of needels i am and i made the mistake of watchin becca have hers doen first so i was feelin queezy (is that how you spell it )and wimped out but i made sure mum new i didnt not have it doen coz she said!
i see rach is being adventurous with her food NOT lool
im having a wkd time at home i go out com home eat get changed go out agian com in at lik 1.30 its da best evaaa !! lol and ps. thanks for the clothes rach i look great lool and i went bowling last nyt was well gd n i got a strike lol
how was the elephants wen me n mum did it we felt lik we was fallin of when they walked down lol n the water fall reminds me of when we went when we was little and you sat wid the villages not as brave now to do dat lol hahah
mums being reading me your e-mails like a story lol soo funny so im sure she will keep me up dated.
speak soon love both of you xxxxxxxxxxxx
lov tor aka stacey aka vicky pollard aka kevin the list goes on