Enjoy your day, love you lots Sue and Tom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Sis,
Happy Birthday, i hope the boy matt has got you a big chocolate Cake for your special day.
I'm heading back home on Thurday for a few days so there will be your card and present waiting for you when you eventually make it home.
Sarah has moved to the deen now and our friend Caroline has put in for a transfer up here so i am slowly recruiting all my friends to the deen. I will have to start on the family next. Maybe Tor and Carly would like to move up here for a change.
Any way hope you have a wicked day and mum will have to do you a belated birthday with cards, cake and presents when you get back.
Lots of love Katie
Auntie Jean
Happy Birthay to you, Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday Dear Rachael Happy Birthday To you.
Hope you have the most memorable Birthday.
Lots of Love to you both
AuntieJean xxx
Hey you two!
Great to read your blog entries, although the more i read the more i dislike you both, especially you rachy, I think our friendship of 10 years could be in serious trouble as I was not invited on this trip!!! lol.....
Missing you loads dude, this summer is not the same without you! Do you know its only just hit me that I'm not going back to uni!! *sob*
Glad your enjoying NZ and you are attempting skiing again after the disaster that was Andorra,hehe. thanks for the facebook updates dude! It really sounds like your having a fabo time, cant wait to hear about it all properly.
You are missing out on some serious uxbridge action.....IVE BEEN TO BAROOSH!!!! Yes thats right, the forbidden bar of adults, which is actually no more exciting than any other bar,lol and massively overpriced...shame. I have decided that I am going out for a birthday drink for you next week, I'l be sure to have a wicked time for you.
I have totally failed in my mission to pick you up from the airport as I have yet to have one driving lesson...i cant decide if its nerves or laziness. I have also not been sacked yet, so I must be doing something right..?
Anyhoo, keep having fun, stay safe, love to you both,
Kit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hideeho campers! Nice too read your new blog! Sounds brilliant bet u cant wait for sydney! Im becoming quite worried though, after i left u those messages the other night i had a dream that i was with you guys travelling lol! Quite sad actually! Hope your both okay! Take care xxx
A. Jean
Hi Matt & Rachael
Have just had 5 minutes to catch up with your nws, all looking amazing. Matt you are crazy I can just about get in a plane to take me somewhere nice why would you then jump out!! Although a guy at work did it for his 50th birthday raised a huge amount of money for Lymphona society. Maybe you should have been sponsored for the next stage of your trip.
I think mum said you are NZ now time is certainly rattling along . Amber started school today just two hours ! but she said it was "fine" hope she realises that's it now for the next hundred years Eh Tor!
Grandad has joined our quiz team we still haven't made any money but he is getting into it , I think we need to set him reading projects each week!!
Paul and Lisa have decorated the lounge earnt himself some bonus points ...we are on countdown until our holiday in October hope all the hurricanes have run themselves out by then!!
Hope you are enjoying NZ look forward to more news.
Lots of Love to you both
Auntie Jean
P.s: thank you for your concerns... back is feeling better! However i have suspended myself from the course (is not a bad thing lol) and i will be starting back at uni in feb. To give myself some time to catch up and have a good old think! Am looking for jobs as of today!!! My life is full of never ending fun! xxxx
Hello guys!!! Hope your well and missing you both! But come onnnn wheres the new blog? All I have to look forward to these days is envying the pants off of u both! Only joking im sure u are too busy enjoying yourselves and i dont blame you for that! Also have just seen matts sky dive pics and i have to say they are probably the funniest photos i have ever seen!!! Matt your face in nearly all of the photos is priceless! I dont think i have EVER seen anyone pull those unique (special) faces that u pulled! Also u seemed to come down a shade paler than what u started off with! Ahhh dear they really did make me laugh, i will look at these when i am having a really bad day!!!
Andrew went back to uni today and is away for the week. Hence why im hassling you two! His room is now finished and looks like a page straight out of a catalogue, Very nice! I wonder how long it will stay that way lol!
Im so happy for u to because all of your photos are amazing and your blogs sound great! I really wish you both the best time!!!
Take care guys! Will see you soon (but not too soon your hoping! ) Lots and Lots of Love! Demi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum R
Hi you two, Well the novelty has worn off - where is the next diary entry!!! Hope you enjoyed Austraralia as much as we did reading about it. Sorry I missed you at Annie's but hey had a good chat with her instead.
Thought I would post a message as am on the internet booking tickets for Andrew LLoyd Webbers Party in the Park - another girlie outing! all songs from the West End so looking forward to that on the 14th - have left it late to book as the weather here is wet and cold. I don't really fancy a picnic in Hyde Park in the rain! Tor and Rebecca are honouring us with their company. think of us on Sunday 14th Sept!!
Not much else - Dad is back home from the desert! Need to send Tor to English lessons pronto!!!! Come home and practise on her and see if you want to go into teaching ha ha put you off for life.
Well have fun no crazy stunts in N.Z. youknow they like their extreme sports!
Lots of love Mum xxxx
i dont even talk lik that so i dont no where every1 is getting the vicky pollard impressions from i think i talk quite nicely thank u !! xxxx
Jealous much!? Looks like you are having the time of your lives! Just taken me an hour to catch up from.... Your first Blog! Love all the pics, you look like you might be sick in some of the Sky dive ones though Matt?!
Any how just a quick Hi! Take care see you soon and in the words of my lovely cuz
Yeah but no but i aint bothered! Laterz
Paul x
Ken & Doris
HI, Just seen the blog and pictures, glad to hear you're having a great time. see you in the US Love Ken & Doris XXX