So today was another kind of lie-in, with a wake up at 8.30 and breakfast at 9 so we could get off by 9.45am. Krissie and Karen had to go into Kericho to get 2 cars fixed, and Ken was working, so Seumas was the Gammie's tour guide. We first went into one of the tea factories!! We saw how everything was processed and cut up and made into tea eventually - very interesting!! We then went off to a flower factory!! We saw how they grew, cut, packaged and sent off. It was amazing to see how some flowers had packages saying "marks and Spencer's" and "tescos" on them!! I will carefully look at flowers and tea when I buy it now!!
We then headed back to the house, where we waited for krissie and Karen so we could have lunch - chicken kebabs with orange and mayonnaise sauce!! Yum!!
In the afternoon we just had to pack up for tomorrow - another early start and long journey :/ so all out bags were packed, all the food packed, and then we sat down and rested. I finished my book ("Rachael's Secret") and got on the Internet to talk to my favourite person (Liam of course).
We then all sat down for a supper of spinach and ricotta pie thing (which didn't taste very good actually and I felt a bit sick) then a dessert of orange and something tart - very yummy!!
After supper we all sat down in the living room and watched about a half hour of "out of Africa" which I hope we'll continue watching - seems a very good film (a classic apparently). We then went upstairs and fell straight asleep!!
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