Today we had a sort of lie-in, with breakfast at 8.30 in order to set off at 9.30 to get to Dimbalil (a man-made dam). When we (only the kids) got there it was quiet and still, no people and no wind. Me and Kristina rowed out on a small boat an sunbathed and read for about an hour and a half whilst the boys attempted to catch a fish (they failed).
Karen and my parents arrived at the dam just as the boys got out the boards to have a go at paddle-boarding - they didn't get very far until josh and theo fell off!! Pili the dog started growling so we rushed over to her and saw a huge black snake - a black forest cobra!!!! so we had to keep the dog on the lead!!
We stayed around for a bit then headed off to upper saosa (or something like that) for lunch. We met Ken there, chilled for a bit then went back to the house via lower saosa, just to see it.
We got back to the house, and Seumus had the great idea of teaching us kids (not theo, too young!!) to ride his motorbike!! So we got dressed up in helmets and bit bike boots, then krissie went first. She has ridden the bike before, but that was 4 years ago!!!! She was doing very well until she crashed into a concrete block and fell off!! Josh went next - he looks soooo funny sitting on the bike!!!! We decide it was a bit too small for him haha!! I was about to go next, but it started to rain - proper monsoon rain!! So we went inside and watched a bit of Michael Macintyre - one of the bet comedians around!! The parents (minus Ken) had gone on a dog walk, but had got caught in the rain so krissie had to drive and pick them up haha!!
When the rain stopped I had a go on the bike around the garden :) I didn't stall but I can't start it!! I had so much fun though!! Now desperate to get a bike and my license!!
When it got dark we had to stop and go inside. Liam gave me a surprise call at about 7 which was lovely!! Not a very long call, but long enough for me to hear him and catch up on England and whats happening!! We then had some sundowners - rum and orange juice and some dips. And we watched some of the "famous grouse whiskey" adverts while we waited for Ken to get back so we could have supper - veggie lasagne made by chef Gordon :) it was yum!! Then delicious cheesecake!!
After supper we all sat down in the living room and watched "the gods must be crazy" which is a film from the 1980s but actually quite good!! It's about a family of bush-men who come across a glass coke bottle and think it's evil so this one man travels to "the edge of the world" to give it back to the gods who they think sent it, and this man comes across all types of different things like white men, cars, guns, etc. worth watching again at some point!! I was extremely tired so I went straight to bed!!
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