Leave it to Winston Churchill to let people know they can't make a statue of him if pigeons can land on his head.... So what did they do? They have him wired 24/7..... Yep, an electric current keeps them pests away!
Now that has little to do with our trip but a a little trivia never hurt anyone.
So here we are in London. It took us over 30 hours in transit flying Kelowna to Vancouver, overtop of Kelowna to Calgary....waiting 9 hours then hoping on the plane to Heathrow. So glad we decided to stay here for 4 nights!
I am writing this on our third day here. We got in to town around noon on the first day which gave us lots of time to act the gawking fool taking in the sites that sane people do by riding a yellow immersible duck and shouting "yeah haaa" as they take to the road or the river. Not us... We strapped on the old geriatric comfy shoes and headed out to see what we could see. At the end of the three days we have gawked and walked and sipped good beer by the riverside. We've taken in the British Museum and the National Gallery (both free).... We've followed the entire route for the hop on hop off bus without once getting on board.....We've listened to all the rantings and ravings of protestors opposed to England's involvement with Syria and shuddered at the amount of security everywhere. (Much like Ethiopia only this time I suspect the guns have bullets!)
This afternoon we're going to try to find the town house that Shane's grandmother lived in during the First World War. Then we're going off to find a friendly pub and hopefully join in some extremely important conversation about nonsense.
Next blog will probably come from Istanbul..... We're way too cheap to keep paying for Internet!
- comments
Niki I just love you, you crazy people! See ya in Istanbul (not Constantinople!)
celia probably has electric currents to also keep the drunk partiers from climbing him too...
celia love you guys <3
celia Winston has such an electric personality... lol
anne Loved your first blog. There is nothing earth shattering happening here so continue to have fun and we will be thinking of you.Anne and bruce