Mpumalanga.. what kind of a name is that and how exactly do you pronounce it? If I lived in South Africa I might just get people to pronounce words like that just so I could hear there take on it.
And what about Krugersdorp or Welverdiend or Suikerbosrand or Roodekopjes? All those places are in either the province of Mpumalanga or Gautang... in other words close together. So you see I've been doing my homework for this trip. Something tells me I would like to stay away from the easy to pronounce places like Sun City. Sure it's partly owned by Michael Jackson and has all the hype of Las Vegas.... but where would I find a ngxowa yebokwe in Sun City? They probably don't even have them there. It's probably chalk full of vaalies and uitlanders.
Our next adventure begins in Johannesburg in the province of Gautang right next to Mpmalanga. We rented a car which doesn't have a GPS. After our experience with GPS in Japan we are happy to pass. There it spoke only Japanese.... can you imagine a GPS in South Africa. Even if it spoke English we wouldn't know what it was saying!!
This is a short entry. I have to get back to my studying and packing. Only three days to go.
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