Quinn's Travels
Well the year in Australia is slowly coming to an end, as I'm planning to be leaving Brisbane in a few weeks time on the 10th July. This means I've only got a few more days of work left to do before the fun times start again on the sunshine coast. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather as at the moment in Brisbane it's very cold. I find myself going to work wearing 5 or 6 layers and still feeling cold.
Since I last wrote a blog I've:
- Been up to the top of Mt Coot and looked down at Brisbane City
- Seen comedians in the Powerhouse in New Farm. This was very good fun and we all had a great laugh.
- Been canoeing in the Brisbane River. While I was trying to take some photos on my phone I almost capsized as a wave from a passing CityCat pushed me ashore.
- Went to watch a band play in the botanic gardens to celebrate Queensland 150th birthday.
- Watched pigs race around a car park in Paddington. Didn't catch any winners or the swine flu
- Got three parking tickets in four days. Came home with my third parking ticket on the same day that my flat mates car got towed away.
- Went brush walking in Tamborine forest reserve and saw some more waterfalls
- Played some mini golf and went to the driving range (Got a hole in 1 twice).
- Done a lot of traffic control, were I've watched a building get demolished, a vac-u-digga truck getting bogged into a hole in the soil, walked for 10 hours down a dual carriageway with a slow bat behind surveyors measuring the road, and sent and received countless amounts of traffic.
I've truly enjoyed my time in Brisbane, and it's probably been my favorite place in Australia so far, but I'm also looking forward to getting back to the backpacker life and travelling up the sunshine coast.
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