Hi Everybody,
It been a while since I added a blog but I've finally got around to doing it. Since my last blog I've finally got my traffic controller licence through and called up a few companies for work but I still was unable to get work without a car. Thankfully I was able to get some help from mum & dad ("Thank you"). Got a car from a car dealer in the Bowen Hills area of Brisbane for A$800. It was a Holden Nova and so far it's going well.
Now that I could travel easier I was able to get a job with a traffic controller company called 'Evoluton' and I get paid $20 an hour and $30 an hour after I do more than 38 hours or if I work the Saturday or Sunday. In my first week I did 49h and in my second week I've done 59h so I'm looking forward to pay day. The job is going well and it's very easy to do, and you don't come home that tired. I finally feel back in control with a nice apartment, car, job and good friends.
A couple of weeks ago we filled stephen's car and mine and we drove 150km down to Springbrook rainforest to see the waterfalls and go for a swim in the lake at the bottom. It was good fun and we were able to walk under and behind a waterfall. We jumped off a small waterfall at the bottom of the track into the lake, but what we didn't know was that there were tons of leaches swimming in water which kept sucking out blood form our feet as we made our way back up to the top of the track. But we all still had a great time.
That's all for now T.T.F.N.
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