Mark, Just after discovering your latest blog, which was as usual fantastic. Wishing you a safe and plesant journey Home. Love from Mum & Dad.
Mark, Wishing you a safe journey home. Love from Mum & Dad.
Well Mark, As your year away is nearly over, we are all so looking forward to having you back home again. Love from Mum.
Hello Mark, Only a few days left in OZ. Glad you are enjoying them. Love from Mum.
Mark, Please tell me that big fish was not real!!! Love from Mum.
from surfing to the desert to the big city how cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looking forward to seeing you again soon. lots of love from everyone.
Hello Mark, You seem to be enjoying your stay in Noosa. Love from Mum.
Hello Mark, Its back on the road time again, "Good Luck" for the rest of your travells. Love from Mum.
Auntie M
Hi Mark ,glad to see a recent blog!!Have looked at the old ones long enough! Can hardly believe you are nearly at the end of your year travelling. C u in ??? weeks. xxM
More great 'photos and memories Mark. Love from Mum.
Hello Mark, I enjoyed seeing your canoeing 'photos. It looks to be a very wide river. Best wishes, Love from Mum.