Hi everybody,
Thought it was about time I wrote up another blog. I'm in Brisbane now for the second time. The first time I arrived I stayed for a week and found it to be a really nice city. I then decided it was time to get a job, so I got a job on a farm picking stone fruit about 4 hours south of brisbane.
Well I arrived at the farm where I would be working, and was put in a caravan with 3 other people. It was raining from the moment I arrived and it just got worse. After 2 days of thunder and lightning, where I was trapped in a caravan, 2 hours from the nearest town with very little food and more storms perdicted for the following week I cut my losses and moved back to Brisbane, before I even did my first days work.
I arrived back in brisbane and was lucky just to get a dorm room in a hostal, after being turned away from 3 hostals I finally got a room. When I was checking in I noticed that there was a pool competition on that night. So I went along and enterd it. We were playing the game Killers and I beat 38 players to win the competition.
I've applied for a job in nightfill in the BIG W (The OZ ASDA) and I'm looking about getting a shared flat for the next 2 months.
It seems that back home isn't the only place it can rain, only when it rains here it's a storm. I've seen rain in brisbane about every other day for the last 2 weeks. So much for the 'sunshine state'.
That's all for now
take care everyone.
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