Back in Katherine - What can I say about today - not a lot. It seems that two hours is the nugatory unit of time. Spent two hours (one unit) each: on road, at McDonalds and supermarket before ending up at the camp site. NB hate McDonalds but it has free WiFi. Supermarkets take ages these days due to planning around: no fridge, one burner and trying not to waste anything when we move on.
Poor little lammy is not well (good job we are not at the free camp site with the smelly dunny).
Don't worry I made dinner which brought on an amazing recovery - it was like a miracle. She tottered over to the car and brought back a box of wine. We then sat down to discuss what you can do in a camp site when the sun is down. The conversation didn't last long, the problem is that you get bored talking to other campers about the same things: where you are going to etc. Asking anything else leads to confusion.
One thing we do talk about a lot is what is going on at home with the festivals - England is hard to beat in this respect and we have been around. There is none in this part of Australia - there isn't any people for starters. We cannot wait for the Burning Man Festival in USA - let's hope we are not burning in the heat.
WOW - What was that! What I thought was a meteor (shooting star) appeared at about 30 degrees to the horizon and then was lost behind a tree. It is a full moon and only the brightest stars/planets are visible. This object was not a point of light it was small but had a circumference and very bright. Still a meteor - perhaps but for one detail, the object did a zig zag before continuing on. It was all over within a second. It moved as fast as a shooting star towards earth. For the life of me I cannot think of a rational explaination. Ball lightening, plane, helicopter, exploading meteor, chinese lantern etc none of these fit what I saw (except going mad). I then went off for my bottom probe, err sorry I went to investigate but returned non the wiser.
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