I am sorry in advance if this blog might be a bit short, but I had one finished and was uploading a picture and then I did something wrong so my whole blog was gone. :( And I have to pay for the internet here, so I had two hours, and now there is just one hour remaining so hopefully I can write it again.
Like I had decided yesterday, I spent my morning on the beach to have some well deserved time to relax. Brought my book and some card to write and for two hours I enjoyed my peaceful rest. My peace was desturbed roughly when I got a phone call from Mojo surf, the company where i would go surfing with this weekend. They cancelled the trip because there weren't enough participants and they kinda panicked if I had accomodation here in Sydney. Of course I was disappointed but at least I had my bed for the nights here till january second.
I got my stuff together and left the beach as it became too hot for my poor skin and I didn't have the rest to stay longer. I had a plan so went to the travel agency in this hostel. I get the money back from Mojo, and i used it again to book two other things. I'll be on a one day surf trip tomorrw, and sunday is a day with an organised tour back to the Blue Mountains. I loved it so much there, need to go back and see more. Plus, they promised me kangaroos, and I do have four missions on this trip. One is hugging a Koala, two is seeing kangaroos, three is doing an Aussie bbq and the last one... dammit I forgot my fourth one, but I will tell when I remember. :P And tomorrow, on that surftrip, we will have a bbq lunch, so that is another mission to be completed in the weekend. :)
When I had this stuff arranged I decided to spend the last hours of daylight in the Botanical Garden. It is one of the places I still wanted to see so that was another winner. Again a lovely quiet place and I got even more rest as I decided to wait for the sunset. It took longer than I thought and unfortunately it wasn't that spectacular either. But it was nice to sit on some rocks and have my drinks that I thought. Wathing the cruise ships leave the harbour, watching people and just thinking how lucky I am to be here. :) You need to realise those things every now and then... After this I made my way back to my bed, via the biggest coca cola sign of the southern part of the world.
One last thing I need to say is that I have Elvis now in my head with his music, and that's the fault of an old man. I heard music when I headed back to the hostel and thought it was a car with the window open. But it wasn't, it was an old man on a scoot mobile, driving on the pavement. He had a CD player between his legs and a box on the back of the vehicle. Loud music was playing, an Aussie flag on top and on the front a statue of Elvis. Hahaha, just imagine how everyone looked at him. Most of them smiling, others clearly thinking he is crazy. I didn't, I do like that music and I thought it was nice entertainment. :)
So now I have this song in my head:
Maybe I didn`t treat you. Quite as good as I should have.
Maybe I didn't love you. Quite as often as I could have.
Little Things I should have said and done.
I just never took the time.
I think I can learn from it, learn to enjoy every single little thing that is happening here. I need to enjoy the sun on the skin, the smell of summer in the air, the sand underneath the feet, the sound of the waves, the shadows of the trees. Because, well, just because.
Gotta go now, I have to get some sleep as I need to be ready at 8 tomorrow. Laters my friends!
- comments
Marian tussen de aardapelen schillen zonet half zes snel gelezen ! een fijn oudjaars weekend toegewenst vanuit het totaal verregende Holland!
Fred Oosterhuis Die songtekst klopt. Mijn ervaring van de afgelopen 34 jaar bewijst dat (helaas). Meer mensen zouden die les moeten leren. Nog veel plezier daar beneden. So te lezen vermaak jij je wel.