Hey all, its finally sunny at last! It stopped raining Wednesday and it is now scorching! But still cloudy! The biggest news of the week is that I drove! And not like a bumper car trip or anything like that- a real life proper car on proper roads! Well the story is that the boys wanted to hire a car for the day to drive up to the coastal resort of Port Douglas, 2 are under 21 so couldnt and 2 dont have licenses so I had to do it. It was a Toyota Camry (i think) 2.4litres big dirty white 5 door thing and it was automatic too. Had trouble getting it on the road but then we was cruising and drove for at least half an hour on the Australian roads , until we got to the motorways and the boys were all having heart attacks. I was very proud of myself- considering its the first car Ive been in in nearly 2 yrs- and without my instructor. Apart from Ciaran's machine but that was only round tesco and he nearly had a heart attack too.
Anyway we drove up round the mountains and also saw some amazing beaches, went through the rainforests and through crocodile infested waters and of course it was raining so we came home pretty early. Got some good pictures though. We also saw a Cassowary- the world's most dangerous bird!! We were driving through the rainforest and it was on the road. Cassowary's are a rare sight- there's a few people that have been here a few months and yet to see one.
I've just read all your messages, thank you all for writing on the board. I am having a good time. It still feels wierd and I'm still thinking about what people would be doing back home at certain times. Im eating well- a little too much so I have to watch myself. Its so easy just to go to a fast food place and order a burger! And drink a beer by the pool/BBQ area at night.
The hostel is okay.. not 5 star or anything. And im finding myself becoming less and less bothered with bugs and simple things like make up and clothes.
Oh nearly forgot I have a new number - it is 0061450137668.
Anyway take care speak soon xx
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