12.01.07 Saturday
Ribadeo, Spain
Be sure to check out Oviedo, Spains blog entry!
So I have officially created the new top 5 category of small villages and Ribadeo sits at number one with Luarca a close second.Both are cities I visited today.I left the comforts of my hostel in Oviedo with an overcast and rainy sky.I almost scrapped heading out and just staying inside and reading.WOW thank God I did not do that!I have stumbled upon a city that has captured my heart.Absolutely beautiful views, the perfect size and amazing streetscapes!Once I arrived, I stopped and sat by the waterside with a cocktail in hand.I could not get over how cool this little city was.What a great place to spend a Saturday and a sleeping in Sunday, up in time for church of course.
So I think I have finally gotten used to the whole gearing up and gearing down routine, but going to the bathroom will forever be something I don't look forward to.It is pretty funny actually.I have noticed that I hold it a little longer than I usually would so I only have to make one stop for fuel, food and poooohhhhhhh!It is pretty funny to walk into a gas station fully geared up with my helmet still on and heading to the bathroom.I have gotten in the habit of not even taking my helmet off…pretty funny when I find the head is pretty small!I have said it before, but it is the simplest things that take the most thought when you are not at home.Just finding a place to go to the bathroom and timing it all take a lot of though believe it or not.Although I guess when I have hours of wind blowing by silence I have lots of time to think!
So speaking of time some have commented that I am moving along at a pretty good clip and should slow down to smell the roses.Well you must know that even at the pace I am going I may not get to see everything I want and really if I had 10 years to do this trip I would not go any slower.Part of the joy is getting on the open road and seeing what is around the next corner.When you spend 12 hours a day just seeing stuff and taking it all in, time really stands still.So from your perspective I am going quickly, but when you are in my not wet anymore boots I am taking it all in and enjoying every bit of it.I will admit that sometimes I could stop and rest…take the day off if you will, but taking the day off for me would not be walking around town, or climbing a nature trail…it would be locking myself in a hotel room and staring at the white walls. So I am definitely going to take a day off now and then and regroup, but I am so excited about ever next step and every next ride.Not only are the sights around the corner great, but just getting on the bike and riding is a thrill.
I am hoping that if I do get to say Turkey by the end of the summer that I will then have time to hit some countries that I had not planned on like Poland and Russia.So we shall see, lots of countries and lots of miles still to go so trust me there will be no getting through early!
So just so you have an idea of my itinerary:After Christmas and New Years in Paris it is down to the west side of France to Dijon and Lyon before hitting the French Riviera.Following the coast all the way around Italy (where I will spend more time than I have spent anywhere else) then Croatia, Slovenia etc to Greece and then Turkey.From Turkey up through Hungary, Romania, Austria and Germany.From Germany over to the Netherlands and then Belgium just before hitting Calais again to catch the ferry back to the UK.So there it is….lots to see and ALLLLLOOOOOTTTTT of miles!
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