Home sweet home! There is somthing within us humans that needs to have a place to call our own. I am feeling that for sure after living out of a bag for 4 months now. I left intending to take a day trip around the southeast peninusla of Italy and then make my way back to my 16th century palace in Matera to just feel a little at home. I was in Lecce at 4pm and it was going to be dark in an hour and I had a decision to make....well I decided to driving in the dark and cold for an hour or two would be worth it. It is nice to be sitting in such a comfortable place that now seems familiar rather than starting all over again.
It is a good thing I used to be a boy scout because not only was it cold and dark but my tail light went out. Good thing I have tools and extra bulbs, wouldn't want someone running into the back of me...oh wait that has already happend!
Heading north tomorrow and then will break for two nights becuase I have learned my lesson on traveling on Sundays. So look for me in Bomba, Italy my next stop.
Oh a quick word of thanks to Paulo my hostel roomate who traveled down from Venice to teach the violin to a group at the local conservatory. With his perfect english we were able to have a great chat and dinner together. It was nice to leave all the ordering up to the Italian and have an authentic Italian meal! YUM!
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