Venice, Italy
WoW!Venice is my kind of town.All we need to do in Charleston is close King for pedestrian only access, and cut up some other major streets and flood them and we would have the perfect town;It is pretty damn close as it is, but I think I need to do some lobbying with our fine Mr. Riley.
I feel like the past couple of days have been some of the best and every day topping the next.It just keeps getting better.My last major blog entry was sitting lonely in a bungalow in Bomba.Since then, I have done so much, seen so much and had some amazing experiences.
For one I made it through the Abruzzo Mountains without killing myself, destroying my bike or freezing any fingers off.Mind you that didn't mean it was all fun and games.I was expecting an incredible drive and I was right.The scenery was beautiful, snow and all.I told myself that snow was okay as long as there was nothing on the road.The first sign of ice on the road and I would turn back and go the coastal route.Well the first 45 minutes I saw nothing and then…BLACK ICE!The road was continuously going up, getting more narrow and bumpy and piles more snow.The signs along the side of the road showing tires with chains were not a helpful one!So, just as I was to turn back I decided the 45 minutes back on the winding road was not going to be fun and maybe would wait until there was a second sign of ice.Thank goodness I waited.The road started going down, got wider and meandered through the valleys. I did pass a lot of cars with skis on the top and then I passed ski lifts, I was still a little hesitant, but the going was good and my hand warmers thanks to my family and the bags put over my handle bars were doing the trick.I am so glad I did not turn back and I saw some incredible things.I am still continuously amazed at how I walk or in this case ride and the doors and path ahead continually is opened for me.
I made my way into the Umbrian town of Spoleto which I had skipped on my way through the hills on the first time.Spoleto just so happens to be the same Spoleto that relates to the Charleston summer festival.Spoleto is our sister city and man is it pretty.Nothing super spectacular, but I definitely missed the country side of Umbria and Tuscany.I think the guide books have got it right when they tout these as being the most scenic in Italy.I had an amazing lunch and did not spend too much time sight seeing as I would be back with Adrian and Kathryn.I did manage to ride down my first set of stairs which was pretty fun.Pretty crazy riding through little alleys that are mean for feet only!You see some great things, but sometimes come across some obstacles.
I settled in to a good night at a hostel just north of Spoleto in a town called Foligno with not much to offer except an HI hostel that was clean and welcoming.I got up early the next morning and hit Urbino another hill top walled city and than San Marino.
San Marino was pretty cool.It was nice to put another sticker on my pannier as it is a tiny little country in the middle of Italy so now the list of countries visited thus far is one more!It did not take much to see the entire country though as it is pretty small.The sea was calling me again.Too much time inland and I start to get weak like superman and his kryptonite.
As I hit the coast I noticed a considerable difference from the coast farther south that I had left and even the eastern coast at about the same latitude.The coastal beach resort town of Rimini is much wealthier than any other coastal town in Italy and the trend of more wealth as I moved farther north has continued.The trash on the beach was a little disappointing again and the fact that the city was a little more removed from the beach its self, but all in all Rimini was a pretty neat town.The most notable thing being the canal that runs in from the coast to create the harbor.I would see a better example of this when I hit Ravenna just little farther up the coast.Pretty strange to have beach and then a cut through that makes the inlet.
I decided to push on from Rimini even though I was planning on spending the night there and it is funny, I never know why these feelings come until much later.I had decided after leaving Foligno that I had not "stopped" in a while to get some things done, like laundry, buying a book and getting the bike in good order again to name a couple of things.Laundry was of course the most pressing of these as I was down to some pretty not so good smelling pieces of cotton.Well you guessed it, I walked forward and hit the next town and bam! An amazing experience meant to be.
I was slowly making my way though the center of town when I spotted a BMW motorcycle idling in a back alley.I did a U turn and caught the attention of the rider and asked if he could tell me where the Motorrad was so I could get my bike in order.Well, I had no idea what I would be getting myself into.Not only did I get personally escorted to the dealership, but I was told that I would be staying with him tonight and that I would be shown the sights!Wow, what a blessing.After getting some things checked out with my bike at no cost of course thanks to the Dream Car dealership in Ravenna, Alberto, a retired teacher, took me back to his place and made me feel very welcome.Alberto and Rufus his cat open their home to me gave me a truly great experience in Ravenna.I can't even explain fully how wonderful a time it was and how nice it was to spend some time chatting with Alberto;It seemed just the other day I was lonely..hmmm
That evening before getting back to his place we took a ride together to the beach of Rimini and the port with Alberto pointing along the way.Let me tell you I had driven lots of miles to make it to Ravenna, but I was so happy to make a couple more with some company.It was pretty crazy riding with someone after riding so many miles alone.We stopped off for some hot chocolate at a café run by a girl from Columbia….well the video will explain what happened next!
The next morning we woke up and took a ride in the country side.Alberto was on his way out of town in a couple of days and wanted to log some hours as it would be a month before his next trip.What an incredible time.It was follow the leader through Italian wine country with of course some café stops to warm the soul.It was so nice to take a couple of hours and ride with someone and then return to the same place you began.A very different experience than what I am used to.I must admit it was also very strange riding my bike without my gear loaded on it.Besides not having my comfy back rest that makes my bike like a lazy boy it was much lighter and man she has some pep in her step.I had to learn how to ride her all over again.Anyway, very cool ride and very good time doing it with someone.Scott has toyed with the idea of coming over and doing some riding with me and I think this was a little preparation so Scott, you better get you but over here and lets ride!
Besides being a great host, master bike handler Alberto is also a very very talented cook.I was banned from helping in the kitchen in anyway and was treated to breakfast lunch and dinner without having to do any of the dishes even.An amazing couple of days and remember in the beginning when I had a list of things I needed to get done, well Alberto made all those things possible too, laundry, etc etc!So I owe a huge thanks to Alberto for his hospitality and I wish more people in the world were like him.I literally rode up to his house and just asked directions to the BMW dealership. This is why I own a BMW.
I woke up early the next morning and was escorted by Alberto to the road to Milan where we said our goodbyes and parted company.I have been blessed to have met some amazing people along the way and at exactly the right times.It is not as though it happens all the time, just at the right time with people that I know I will continue to be in contact with.
So I headed inland yet again and basically hit some towns before arriving at Lake Como.I had tossed a coin early and Como lost and I think I now know why.I drove all the way up to this small town on the edge of Como just to find the hostel closed.Mind you the scenery was pretty amazing, and all the towns that I passed through including Milan continued to show me that the north is certainly where all the wealth is in Italy.I felt like I was in Altlanta with huge mega shopping strips like I have not seen before in Italy.Everything exuded America to me.Oh I don't think I mentioned it but even the coast from Rimini to Ravenna was like Florida, lots of shopping and lost of big condos on the beach.I must say I was not very impressed with the north coast or much of northern Italy.
Even though I was not impressed northern Italy will definitely stick in my brain or rather I should say in my eye.Since the hostel was closed I had to make my way to the next one a couple of towns over which meant driving at night.Driving at night is a little tricky as explained before with a plastic visor over your face.So several times I had to lift the visor to see where the hell I was going.Well just when I needed it least a spec of sand blasted in my left eye.Ouch!Lesson learned, never lift your visor especially on dusty northern Italian roads!I spent the next forty five minutes lying on the ground trying to flush it and finally gave up and drove one eyed to my final destination, where I flushed again.No luck so I did the next best thing, took 3 advil and went to bed!So either some goo in my eye has covered it up and it is waiting to fester or my little sleep made my spec of sand go away.Besides the little bit of ache from all the washing I can see fine today we will see what tomorrow brings of course, but I am glad my eyes worked today because I needed both of them to take in the beauty of Venice!So, sit back relax and be patient the Marcus Taylor does Venice in a day edition will be forthcoming!Ahh don't you love suspense!
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