Nimes, France
Finally warm weather again or rather I should say warmer weather! As I got closer to Avignon the weather changed and my heart lifted, I could sense the sea not to far away.
It is funny how my body has a physical reaction to getting close to the sea.
I left yesterday morning under an overcast sky and rain in the air. I have realized that there is something worse than cold weather and that is drizzly weather. Rain is actually okay, it is when it is just misting outside or even when it has rained and the roads are still wet. You cannot imagine the headache it is to just see in that sort of weather. Rain pretty much hits me and rolls off, but mist just causes me to constantly wipe the front of my helmet or the mist from the cars in front and for some reason you can never get a clear view. The mist is filled with road dust that just smears into your helmet and then because it is not raining the sun will poke out of the clouds just for short moments; Just enough of course to blind you because the sunglasses are in your pocket. Needless to say it took a while to get south.
I spent my lunch time hours yesterday touring the city of Avignon yet another walled city and the Pont Du Gard a tremendous roman achievement.The aqua duct is truly a site to see.
Today I woke up to rain on the roof and decided I had enough driving in the rain the day before and booked another night at the hostel in Nimes.I don't mind hitting the unexpected rain, but knowing you are going to get wet before you start is no fun.I have been catching up on more planning stuff and just downloaded some movies to watch tonight.Even though I am on the road I need a break from it all just as if I were at home.So tonight I am going to cook another meal, read my book, watch a movie or two and then hope that when I wake up tomorrow the sky is clear.Unfortunately the weather forecasters don't think it is likely but hey what do they know right.
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