11.18.07 Sunday
Bayeux, France
Where to being!I have had a difficult time finding WIFI and fortunately have been able to check emails on my couchsurfing hosts computers.The only downfall is the keyboards are arranged differently here than in the English speaking world so I have not been responding to you emails or been able to update my webpage with lengthy blogs. I have to peck at the keys so just creating once sentence takes forever.It is interesting to have to not only learn French, but also learn to type on a French keyboard.
Friday and Saturday night I was fortunate enough to stay with an amazing host in a small country town called Argentan. Elaine and her family were wonderful and exactly what I needed to soak up a little France.My love/hate relationship is quickly turning to love only thanks to the Lavando's!Elaine and her family live in a cozy home with a lot of bedrooms so there was one spare one for me.This couchsurfing thing really is turning out to be more like spare bedroom surfing thank goodness.Elaine was a history teacher and her husband is a doctor.They have three sons two of which I was able to meet.They were all very welcoming and spoke English so not only did I feel a little more at home in France, but I was also able to learn a little French from them.My Stay in Argentan was like staying at the Ritz.Every meal was extravagant with paired wines.Their wine cellar is enormous and the food was fabulous.Salmon, Scallops, cheese, bread…all the goodness of France.I am truly grateful for my experience with the Lavando's as I got a chance to really dip my toe into some French culture.Saturday was a joyous day of sightseeing, lounging and eating.In the morning Elaine and I took the Bicycles to town to pick up bread at the baker and meat at the butcher with a couple of stops along the way.What a great sight to ride into town on our bicycle and get the freshest of ingredients for lunch.Talk about fresh, after our bike ride we set off into the forest to pick mushrooms to eat.Pretty incredible to walk around the forest in freezing weather picking mushrooms!Certainly a first for me and boy did those mushrooms taste good.We picked them at 11 and by 1 we had them on our plate.I have learned a lot about the French and really enjoyed my little rest.
I woke up this morning and put on my long underwear and prepared for a cold ride.Holy cow what a miserable day.I was to set off and make my way to Bayeux where Elaine had arranged with one of her friends for me to stay.Along the way I was going to hit the D-Day beaches and some other sights but just out of town it started to Rain.So not only was it 0 degrees Celsius (freezing) it was raining and the wind was blowing 20 knots if not more.I felt like a V8 commercial riding sideways!I put every bit of my gear on and was very warm and dry.I must admit I do need to buy some warmer socks and better gloves before I hit the Alps, other than that I have the right stuff and will be able to manage the winter riding.I only made it to Caen and Juno beach before heading to Bayeaux a little early.I will hit Omaha Beach and the American cemeteries tomorrow on my way out of town.So tomorrow heading to the beaches and then Mont St. Michel a famous abbey on the coast and then Rennes where I will stay in a hostel to spice things up a little.Then it is on to Nantes and La Rochelle.
So today I went to church in Argentan at the Roman Catholic Church.It was pretty interesting to have mass in French.I did recognize some of the different things and so while they said the Nicene Creed in French I said it in English the same with the lords prayer.Now I understand how the early Christians felt when the mass was said in Latin and no one understood.Even though I did not know what was being said I still felt the holy about me and the service was moving.I am glad for the experience, but I will be sure to take care next time to find and English speaking church.
It is pretty interesting to be in this country and not know the language.Of course at home I am a make it happen kind of guy, always in control and always knowing where to get things and how to get them.In France I am completely the opposite.It is an interesting stripping down for me I guess is the only way to say it.Very humbling experience!Even this I know there is a purpose for that I will hopefully soon see fully.Just ordering some soup was difficult at lunch.
So now I am in Bayuex staying with a friend of Elaine's my last couchsurfing host.Marianne and her daughter Ondinne are great and I am looking forward to our time together.Both are very musically talented and I am looking forward to hearing the soprano in them as well as their piano playing skills.
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