12.21.07 Montcaret
Be sure to check out the lengthy Barcelona entry!
Ahhh back in Montcaret with Guy, Sarah and Kepler! It was so nice to be greeted with a huge hug and a warm cozy home. As you can see I am typing this entry with my feet up on a leather sofa in front of a blazing fire and soon I will be enjoying with the family a Marcus Taylor special pot O chili that I made this afternoon. This is why I detoured a little before heading to Paris.
So I left Barcelona as planned. The guys at Muntana BMW Motorrad were incredible. Only with a BMW can you arrive and the next day, have a complete service done.It was not cheap, but when you put 6,000 miles on a bike in less than 2 months well a lot needs to be done; 2 new tires, new brakes and full service.My baby has never purred better, although just outside of Barcelona my speedometer started to dance back and forth and finally went dead.Well no big deal right?Wrong!The speed thing is not so much of a problem because I drive 75mph everywhere I go and I have figured out that 5,000rpms is exactly that in 5th gear.The problem is fuel.Since the speed is attached to the odometer which is now not working, figuring out when to fill up is pretty difficult.So yesterday and today I felt like I stopped at every fuel station in France.Traveling a long distance is okay I can figure out consumption based on time and a constant speed which I know is of course 75mph.So in two hours time to fill up right!It looks like my trip to Paris will be without a speedometer.
With Barcelona in my mirrors, I was very much looking forward to finally getting back to Montcaret for some much needed rest and Americana.After a couple of days here eating steak and mashed potatoes and chili of course I will be rested up and ready for a week of fun in Paris.I headed from Barcelona to Carcassonne as a midway point.The hostel was very quiet except for the bus load of school children dancing on the floor above.I arranged with the manager on duty to take part in the dinner that was cooked for the children.Much to my surprise when I arrived downstairs a separate table in a separate room had been set and an extrodianary meal served with appetizers, main course, desert and even a really nice bottle of wine all for 9 euros!Amazing meal.Not only was the setting and food great but I was joined by the manager on duty who I did not even catch his name and enjoyed a lively conversation.It is funny to speak with a Frenchman who speaks English with a New Zealander accent!
So here I am in Montcaret enjoying some down time and really looking forward to Paris.I actually think the drive up will not be that cold.I was wearing just a small jacket today and even sat outside and enjoyed some cocktails.So hopefully the weather will hold out.Now all I need to pray for is a place to stay.
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