We arrived back in Salvador from Praia de Forte and that evening visited a Candomble, which is an African word meaning a 'dance in honour of Gods'. The women dress in lace and hooped skirts dance slowly and chant in Yoruba and the men drum African rhythms. The dance is very African and the dancers often enter into a trance and begin shaking!
We visited the Candomble with a tour, but there were local people there too. The music was fantastic and the audience singing and dancing was great to watch, but not too sure that we really understood the religious dancing and trances, we found it a little bit strange! The people taking part in the ceremony all lined up and were asked to dance by the leader one by one. They were all wearing different costumes including one bloke, who looked like Robert De Niro, in a Lion outfit, a woman dressed like Robin Hood and another woman who was dressed like Cousin It from the Addams Family and a very lanky woman doing what looked like Elvis lip curling impressions! They were galloping around the room and then would suddenly scream out and collapse to the floor shaking, being supported by members of the congregation, all while the audience sang and clapped. It was an interesting experience that left us a bit speechless!
The next day we headed back to Rio to catch a bus to Iguacu Falls.
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