Lynda and Fred Travels
We woke up to smog even worse than yesterday....they say it happens....Indonesia burn off...only once a year and we managed to find that once. We set off for the garden at the bay...took a guided talking tour on a tram of the outside gardens....very impressive....they have fake trees that have vines growing on them....act as irrigation system. Then we toured the cloud emporium which was amazing....the plant life as you move up the rainforest levels...the orchids were superb as was the rest of the vegetation....we were going to walk the skyway between fake trees but the smoke haze closed them down...all workers wore masks. We then went to flower emporium where we saw flowers from many countries...not quit so impressive but nice. Then off to the bay shore resort with ship on top of it....full of expensive shops and casino. Back to our hotel to rest an hour then leave room by 4 pm....spent an hour or so in bar playing crib then off to airport where we had to wait for hours before and after book in. Only restaurants were Chinese and all hidden on top floor. Only Caucasian place was Gloria jeans where we managed to,secure a table for a few hours and played least time flys that way. You hardly see a policeman in Singapore but you don't need is a very very safe and clean city. On our flight to Budapest we were in entirely different seats and neither was an aisle but we managed to persuade someone to swap so we had an aisle and inside. Long trip! Went from Singapore to Zurich then changed planes to Budapest!.
- comments
Annette Can you bring me a couple of plastic trees back please. They sound so much easier to grow!
Kerryn sounds like you are on the go from dawn to dark almost. Try to catch up on your sleep xx
Irene & Trevor Don't think I can manage this with my knees!!