We decided that we didnt want to stay another night on the GOR so we could have a nother night in Melbourne so we hit the road to try and get as far as we could towards Melbourne and thoguht it was best to head straight there via Ballarat. This was going to be a long drive.....
We filled up on petrol and hit the road across what was just fields upon fields for as far as the eye could see. It finally lost light and we were driving in pitch black, no street lights and an endless road in front of us. This was pretty spooky too, even the viallages we passed had no lights on, even in the houses, they were like ghost towns! To add to it, half way through the journey a big Road Train came up behind us and our poor little van could only get to about 60 kph haha and we had this huge lorry with its massive lights shining in our rear window and this road had no where to pull over for ages. We finally did find somewhere to pull over and decided set up the stove and make a cup of coffee and have a break.
Half way through drinking we heard some laughing...... by a Kookaburra :) then all of a sudden the whole tree opposite us just erupted with laughted from all these Kookaburras, its was brilliant, it was like one of them was telling a joke and then the rest of them were laughing.
After our break we carried on along the ghost roads. Finally we got to Ballarat where we found a spot to set up for the night, a museum car park ;)
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