Up early this morning for taxi to central station, 6 am! Been on train for 2 hours and slowly seeing less and less occupation. Seeing more small holdings and farms. Seen a few Roos and plenty of woods. Glad train is air conned.
Just I've an hour left of journey. Can't wait till I can have a smoke. Countryside has changed from flat with hills in distance to rolling countryside. Countryside getting a bit busier again as we are probably in the 'burbs'. Still only saw the two Roos. One in a paddock and one travelling. Sky is returning to clear after becoming overcast for the past couple of hours.
Had evening meal on train. Nothing to write home about. Beef Teriakyi. Bland.
A few snorers around. Homer, Andy, mum and Audrey all asleep. I'm not saying a thing though. Someone had a go at me earlier for having a sleep, because I'd already had 14 hours and shouldn't that be enough. Well if my body is asking for the sleep I'm not going to deprive it. I don't see the point in that. I know I slept for sometime yesterday but the whale watching really screwed with my balance and still this morning I had a light headed spell. I don't think my 'over sleeping' has spoilt another persons holiday. Tough if it has, it's not spoilt mine and that's the main thing. Oh back to flat, open plains.
Found motel in Melbourne. Think we went the long way around. Got another dizzy spell. Dad and I staying in while others go looking for food. Taxi booked for 9 in morning to take us to campervan place.
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