So it's the night before the big trip starts. I had planned to write my first blog entry at the airport... but I thought it might make me cry.
As ever, I'm always the one who probably has as much pleasure arranging trips as I am being on them. And planning my trip last year broke that mould... and my fascination with travelling really took off. Sixteen months later and here I am... After hassling people endlessly, as I wanted to do something epic in my 30th year, no-one wanted to do any of my crazy holidays, and someone from work said to me "just do it alone... life starts at the edge of your comfort zone". I've always thought I'm just 'not one of those people' who can go away alone, so this is HUGE for me (even though technically I'm landing and then joining a coach load of people from Oz, NZ, Korea, Brazil and the U.S. - so I'm not really alone).
It'll be hard, it'll be amazing, I'll miss my home comforts and my fantastic family (who I wish were coming with me).
I'm writing this blog for numerous reasons... to diarise my feelings and thoughts, share experiences and keep a memory of my adventures, and I hope to do a post in each of the areas we visit. This is where it starts.
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